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June 24, 1953 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 9:



REARDAN, Wash., June 24 The Emmanuel Lutheran church at Reardan was the setting for the wedding of Miss Doris Plaster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Plaster of Reardan, to Clifford Pfoffle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfoffle, of Walla Walla Saturday evening

The Rev. R. H. Reitz officiated. Marjorie Klein of Edwall was soloist and Miss Ona Mae Brommer organist.

The bride wore a long white satin dress embroidered at the neck with seed pearls. A white ruffled carnation tiara held her fingertip illusion veil. She carried a bouquet of white and pink roses, centered with an orchid.

Mrs. Keith Carlson, twin sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore an orchid dress, with a corsage of white and yellow roses Mrs. Adrian Bafus, another sister of the bride, and Shirley Fowler, the bridegroom's sister, were the candle lighters. They wore matching dresses of bronze and blue, with wrist corsages of pink and white carnations.

Marlene Bafus and Diane Carlson, flower girls for their aunt, were dressed in pink and green taffeta, with baskets of roses and sweet peas.

Frank Emigh of Walla Walla was best man. David New, also of Walla Walla, and Keith Carlson were ushers.

For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Plaster wore a white and black silk dress with black and white accessories. Mrs. Pfoffle's dress was of rose beige ribbon with purple accessories. They wore rose corsages.

Reception Is Held

Assisting at the reception in the church parlors were Mrs. Ed Plaster, aunt of the bride; Mrs. Roy Jones of Colfax, cousin of the bride; Mrs. Emil Koeller, aunt of the bride, of Bayview, Idaho; Mrs. Glen Morrison and Mrs. Dale Koeller, both of Reardan. Mrs. Robert Allen of Seattle was in charge of the guest book for her cousin. For the honeymoon, the bride chose a navy blue checked suit, with white accessories. Both bride and bridegroom are graduates of Washington State college, where Mrs. Pfoffle was affiliated with the Alpha Delta Pi sorority and Mr. Pfoffle with the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. The couple will make their home in Walla Walla, where Mrs. Pfoffle is a home economics teacher in the Walla Walla high school. Mr. Pfoffle is employed as a mechanical engineer by the Walla Walla corps of army engineers.