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May 19, 1955 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 23:



REARDAN, Wash., May 19.—“America the Beautiful” is the theme this year for the fourth annual flower show in connection with the Reardan Community day program.

Everyone in the community is urged to enter in the three divisions of the show: Horticulture, arrangements and junior. This year’s show, as was the case last year, will be entered in the state award contest sponsored by the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs.

Mrs. Harold Wegner is show chairman, with Mrs. Harry Anyan as staging chairman.

Flower show proceeds will be given to the Community day fund. All expenses for the show are paid by the Reardan Home and Garden club.

PTA to Pick Queen

The Parent Teachers association has been asked by the community day planning committee to be responsible for the queen selection this year.

The queen for the Reardan Community day festivities will be chosen next Monday evening as a part of the PTA program. This method of choosing the girl will pattern after the methods used in selecting the Portland Rose queen, the Wenatchee Apple Blossom queen and the Lilac queen of Spokane. One of the requirements for the girls will be a two minute talk on, “What life in a small community means to me."