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October 04, 1961 Spokane Daily Chronicle Page 5:


Award Presented


Maj. Gen. Thomas P. Gerrity (right), commander of the Ballistics Systems Command, pins the Legion of Merit medal on Col, Thomas §. Jeffrey Jr. for directing the activation of the Fairchild missile site.

9 Missiles Added to Area's Arsenal

Nine mighty Atlas missiles have joined—ahead of schedule—the B52 bomber force at Fair- child Air Force Base in a dual) strategic mission which is intended to serve as a deterrent to war.

The missiles, in operational readiness, are resting in the nine launch complexes in the Spokane area which are included in the Fairchild missile site

The site was turned over formally to the Strategic Air Command by the Ballistics Systems Command at ceremonies at the base last night

Maj. Gen. Thomas P. Gerrity of Inglewood, Calif., commander of the Ballistics Systems Command, here for the presentation, had high praise for the team of military officers and contractors’ representatives which solved the many problems involved in the construction and installation work at the launch complexes

And he pinned on Col. Thomas P. Jeffrey Jr., commander of the Site Activation Task Force at Fairchild, the coveted Legion of Merit medal.

He said Col. Jeffrey, who led the team work on the project. "started at full speed and never stopped until the job was done."

Col. Jeffrey is being transferred to direct the activation of a new Minuteman missile war at Minot, N.D. His deputy, I Col. James W. Thompson, being reassigned to the Air Division at Fairchild.

The missile site was turned over to the 92nd Bomb Wing, of which Col. Lester F. Miller is commander, Col. Leonard L. Jella is commander of the 567th Strategic Missile Squadron, which will man the launch complexes. The program at Fairchild is the first “aerospace” grouping of both heavy bombers and long-range missiles.

"I'm proud that this squadron is on operational status before it was expected to be," Gen. Gerrity said. “This is a major milestone in our program. This Atlas E missile site adds tremendously to our war deterrent posture."

He complimented labor unions and contractors for cooperating in avoiding work stoppages. He presented a commander's award and plaque to W. F. Chana, manager of the Fairchild operations of General Dynamics Astronautics.

Col. Jeffrey presided at the dinner meeting. Brief talks were made by contractors’ representatives. They cited the record of having no lost-time accidents in 500 days and no accident which resulted in damage to a missile.

The launch complexes are at Newman Lake, Deer Park Lamona, Egypt, Long Lake, Creston, Davenport and Rockford.