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June 30, 1966 Davenport Times Page 1:


Vol. 82—No. 52 Davenport, Washington, Thursday, June 30, 1966, page 1.

Bureau of Mines takes missile base for research

The former Atlas missile site, 9.4 miles north of Reardan, has been transferred to the U. S. Bureau of Mines to use in mining research.

Ross Wayment, mining methods research engineer, who is programming the operation said that staff members are already working on a temporary basis at the site. He said it would eventually be a permanent operation.

The research at the site will include studies on support of ground, artificial stabilization of underground openings, mine support and sets and tailings.

Wayment tells that actual models will be built and broken in tests. He said tentative plans include simulating lunar mining and testing in hydrogen environment.

The Bureau of Mines anticipates spending only about $20,000 at the site this year to get the project operational, according to Wayment. However, he points out that the original federal investment at the site was about $4,500,000 and that the Bureau can use much of the expensive equipment such as the electronic equipment, stainless steel tanks and the hydrogen equipment.

The Washington Water Power company is presently extending permanent service to the site. The Bureau staff also has plans to become acquainted with people in the area for they may wish to hire some for special jobs in the future.