Big Bend Light and Power

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Spokesman-Review 6 December, 1913 p1 c5:

Includes Reardan, Davenport, Sprague, Ritzville and Lind Plants.
Walter C. Sinvyer, president of the Big Bend Light & Power company, yesterday announced the sale of the frachises and distributing systems of the company, in the Big Bend country, to the Washington Water Power company. This consists of the systems at Reardan, Davenport, Harrington, Ritzville, Sprague and Lind. This sale, which has been agreed to by the directors, is subject to the confirmation of the stockholders, and delivery is to be made to the Washington Water Power company January 1.

Stock Above Pair.
The proceeds of this sale, together with other assets of the company," said Mr. Sivyer, "will pay our stockholders a little above par on their stock and the company will be disincorporated. We will pay the usual quarterly dividend of 2 per cent January 1. The surplus, composed of notes and negotiable papers, will be cashed in and distributed soon after January 1.

"The company purchased power from the Washington Water Power company from the Little Falls plant, owned the distributing lines in the towns above mentioned and furnished power to six flour mills. The Washington Water Power company owned the transmission lines. The stockholders will meet the latter part of the month to approve the sale. The stock is mainly held in Spokane. Some is held in the Big Bend country."

Organized Six Years Ago.
The Big Bend Light & Power company was organized about six years ago - by Walter. C. Sivyer. H. L. Bleeeker and Eugene Enloe. Mr. Bleecker later disposed of his interests. The present officers of the company are: Mr. Sivyer, president; Charles McDougall; secretary, and Eugene Enloe, general manager. These lines will add to the lines of the Washington Water Power company, which purchased, on July I, the Wildness of the Idaho-Washington Light & Power company, with headquarters in Moscow. This company also controlled the St, Maries Light & Power company and the Palouse Light & Power company,

Spokesman-Review 12 December 1913 p11 c3:

Includes Reardan, Davenport, Sprague, Ritzville and Lind Plants.
Walter C. Sivyer, president of the Big Bend Light & Power company, yesterday announced the sale of the franchises and distributing systems of the company, in the Big Bend country, to the Washington Water Power company. This consists of the systems at Reardan, Davenport, Harrington, Ritzville, Sprague and Lind. The sale, which has been agreed to by the directors, is subject to the confirmation of the stockholders, and delivery is to be made to the Washington Water Power company January 1.

Organized Sig Years Ago
The Big Bend Light & Power company was organized about six years ago by Walter C. Sivyer, H. L. Bleecker and Eugene Enloe. Mr. Bleecker later disposed of his interests. The present officers of the company are: Mr. Sivyer, president: Charles McDougall, secretary, and Eugene Enloe. general manager. These lines will add to the lines of the Washington Water Power company, which purchased, on July 1, the business of the Idaho-Washington Light & Power company, with headquarters in Moscow. This company also controlled the St. Maries Light & Power company and the Palouse Light & Power company.