Early Land Transactions Around Reardan

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The following table attempts to show all of the land transactions for T25N R29EWM before 1910. This has a lot of errors. It is apparent that some transactions are missing. There are spelling errors and sometime Grantor/Grantee flips. Even with the errors it is useful and can be used for further research to correct the errors.

Land Transaction Types Key
Key Expanded Meaning
CS Certified Sale
RD Railroad Deed Transfer of land from the railroad to private party(ies).
WD Waranty Deed The normal way to transfer real estate between individuals.
Q Quick Claim Deed Relinquish any rights to a property to another individual, usually a co-owner.
D Deed [I think this is the same as a warranty deed.]
P Patent The original transfer of real estate from the government to an individual, sometimes called a land patent.
C Contract A binding agreement that affects the transfer of the property pending some condition(s) be met.
A Affidavit
SD Sheriff's Deed A legal proceding where a property is transferred to the county so that it can be sold for back taxes. Because so many properties were seized by the county in 1889-1890, the transfer of the property from the county to another individual has not been found.
PC Patent, Cash sale A patent with cash paid to the government for the property.
PH Patent, Homestead A patent which is based on satisfying the conditions of the Homestead Act.
PT Patent, Timber Culture A land patent based on satisfying the conditions of the Timber Culture provisions of the Homestead Act.
RoW Right of Way Transfer ownership of a strip of land for access across a piece of land usually for a road, railroad, power line, etc.
RW Right of Way Deed Same as RoW
DD Decree of distribution
AD Administrative deed
DH Declaration of homestead
RR Return Receipt A filing of the intent to homestead on a piece of land which effectively locks in a particular pioneer for a number of years to give times to make the improvements required by the Homestead Act.

Many transactions are "Sheriff sales", which basically means that the prop

Land Transactions T25N R39EWM
Grantor Grantee Date Recorded Lots Type Section Township Range Record Copy Consideration/comment
US NPRR 5/27/1895 S2, S/2 N/2 1
NPRR Co Elmer A. Scott 5 Feb 1890 S/2 NW/4 lots 3,4 WD 1 25 39 E251
NPRR Co William J. Clark 19 Jan 1891 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 D 1 25 39 E340
NPRR Co JM Hutton 22 Oct 1883 SW/4 WD 1 25 39 E5
NPRR Co John Mann 7 Nov 1883 NE/4 WD 1 25 39 E6
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 NE/4 SD 1 25 39 M156
Darius Burtch et ux Fred Landt 2 May 1896 SE/4 C 1 25 39 X253
Darius Burtch et ux Fred Landt 22 Nov 1901 SE/4 WD 1 25 39 11-568
John W Mann Darius Burton 12 Jan 1888 SE/4 RR 1 25 39 C549
JW Hatton Jame McBroom 6 Apr 1889 SW/4 1 25 39 C417
NPRR Co William S Clark 19 Jun 1891 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 WD 1 25 39 E340
NPRR Co Elmer Scott 5 Feb 1890 S/2, lots 3,4 D 1 25 39 E257
US Henry Mahrt 2/13/1899 N/2 NW/4 PH 2 25 39 Find + check
US JD Mishler 5 Mar 1883 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 RR 2 25 39 A388
US Joseph Mishler 5/20/1884 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 PC 2 25 39 G23
JP Mishler John Mattie 9 Dec 1890 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 WD 2 25 39 A714
US August Lutzhoff 30 Jul 1886 S/2 SW/4, NW/4 SW/4, SW/4 NW/4 RR 2 25 39 C266
US August Lutzhoff 6 May 1889 S/2 SW/4, NW/4 SW/4, SW/4 NW/4 PH 2 25 39 F93
August Lutzhoff Henry Mahrt 17 Nov 1897 S/2 SW/4, NW/4 SW/4, SW/4 NW/4 WD 2 25 39 I520
US Peter Walsh 5/26/1888 6 May 1889 SE/4 PH 2 25 39 F96 missing RR
..snapshot Henry Mahrt W/2 2 25 39 1911
US NPRR 5/27/1895 3
NPRR Co Henry Mahrt 2 Dec 1889 SE/4 CS 3 25 39 J202
NPRR Co John Wickham 9 Jul 1890 SE/4 D 3 25 39 E278
NPRR Co JQ Reynolds 28 Jul 1892 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 CS 3 25 39 N531
NPRR Co John Q Reynolds 4 Oct 1892 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 RD 3 25 39 P43
John Reynolds Benjamin Graham 28 Jan 1896 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 Q 3 25 39 X48
Benjamin Graham Fred Wagner 13 Dec 1897 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 WD 3 25 39 I583
NPRR Co John Wickham 31 Oct 1881 NE/4 C 3 25 39 A41
NPRR Co John Wickham 25 Oct 1886 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 WD 3 25 39 E101
Fred Wagner Lena Wagner 26 Jul 1897 NE/4, lots 1, 2 WD 3 25 39 I353
NPRR Co George Erdman et al 3 Dec 1894 SW/4 CS 3 25 39 S 543
NPRR Co James Denny 5 Dec 1890 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 D 3 25 39 E291
John Wickham Fred Wagner 25 Oct 1897 SE/4 3 25 39 V308
US Moore Getty 8/5/1889 23 Aug 1888 SW/4 NW/4, lots 2, 3, 4 RR 4 24 39 H46
US Moore Gelty 8/5/1889 SW/4 NW/4, lots 2, 3, 4 PH 4 25 39
Herman Franke Moore Getty et ux 2 Oct 1894 N/2, lots 2, 3, 4 WD 4 25 39 _____ grantor/grantee swapped?
US Emmanuel Wilson 13 Jun 1889 NE/4 P 4 25 39 F102 missing RR
US Fred Wagner 5/26/1888 6 May 1889 SE/4 P 4 25 39 F92 missing RR
US Adolph Wagner 5/31/1899 SW/4 PH 4 25 39 missing RR
US John Q Reynolds 2/23/1892 S/2 NE, SE/4 NW/4, lot 1 PH 4 25 39 missing RR
Henry Mahrt NE/4 NE/4, S/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 4 25 39
US NPRR 5/27/1895 5
NPRR Co George P Baxter 25 Jun 1890 NW/4 D 5 25 39 E275
Sheriff Lincoln Co 3 Dec 1890 NW/4 SD 5 25 39 M47
Lincoln County DM Drumheller 10 Jul 1893 NW/4 Q 5 25 39 R18
DM Drumheller Grorgr P Baxtor 5 Mar 1892 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 D 5 25 39 N372
George Baxter Drunheller 5 Mar 1892 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 D 5 25 39 N372
DM Drumheiller FW Ahern 14 Jul 1893 WD 5 25 39 I455
NPRR Co Daniel Drumheller 6 Jun 1894 SE/4, S/2 NE/4 lots 1, 2, SW/4 RD 5 25 39 _____
Sheriff Lincoln Co 3 Dec 1890 N/2 NE/4 SD 5 25 39 L318
Sheriff Lincoln Co 22 Dec 1890 NE/4 5 25 39 M217
Sheriff Lincoln Co 3 Dec 1890 S/2 SD 5 25 39 L197
US Anthony T Courtright 1/10/1885 SE/4 NW/4, lots 3, 4, 5 PC 6 25 39
AT Courtright Wilson & Dueber 23 Jun 1886 SE/4 NW/4, lot 3, 4, 5 WD 6 25 39 B217
US James F Courtrignt 10/4/1886 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 PH 6 25 39 missing RR
JT Courtright Wilson & Dueber 23 Jun 1886 S/2 NE/4, lots 1, 2 WD 6 25 39 C256
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 NE/4 SD 6 25 39 M63
US Charles McRae 3/22/1887 E/2 SW/4, lots 6,7 PH 6 25 39 missing RR
Colin McRae John McRae 8 Nov 1888 SW/4 Q 6 25 39 B473
Ann McRae John McRae 8 Nov 1888 SW/4 Q 6 25 39 B474
John McRae kick off probate 8 Nov 1888 SW/4 Probate 6 25 39 H120 get
John McRae Margaret McRae 14 Feb 1889 SW/4 WD 6 25 39 I104
US John A Harris 8/30/1882 SE/4 PH 6 25 39 missing RR
JA harris et ux George W Hubbard 31 Dec 1881 SE/4 WD 6 25 39 A79
George W Hubbard LF Jackson 10 Sep 1883 SE/4 WD 6 25 39 C83
LF Jackson L Berg et al 4 Mar 1884 SE/4 WD 6 25 39 C218
US NPRR 5/27/1895 7
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 SE/4 SD 7 25 39 M77
NPRR Co Alexander Johnson 30 Mar 1891 SE/4 E 7 25 39 E319
NPRR Co Charles Washburn 17 Aug 1893 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 RD 7 25 39 P119
NPRR Co William H. O'Donald 22 Oct 1883 NE/4, E/2 NW/4, lots 1, 2 D 7 25 39 E1
Lizzie Buckman Jno Buchman 28 Mar 1894 NE/4 less right of way D 7 25 39 S243
WH O'Donald Thomas H Brents 25 Oct 1881 N/2 WD 7 25 39 A35
Lincoln County Alexander Johnson 30 Mar 1891 SE/4 Q 7 25 39 K263
US James M Dimpsey 5/15/1884 NW/4 PH 8 25 39
George Foster Mark W Deiuham 18 May 1891 NW/4 Q 8 25 39 M510
Lincoln County Mark W Dreuhaw 18 May 1891 NW/4 Q 8 25 39 K324
US Lucinda Nickleston 2 Jul 1880 N/2 NE/4 RR 8 25 39 A8 [Earliest]
US Archibald Nickleston, Lucinda Nickleston 8/30/1883 N/2 NE/4 PH 8 25 39
James Rounde VB DeLashment 30 May 1882 N/2 NE/4 WD 8 25 39 A190
Lucinda Nickelson James Rounds 19 Dec 1882 N/2 NE/4 WD 8 25 39 A337
UB DeLashmutt James Rounds 29 Jan 1883 N/2 NE/4 WD 8 25 39 A371
Sheriff Lincoln Co 2 Feb 1889 NE/4 SD 8 25 39 H259
US William E Guthrie 12/30/1884 S/2 NE/4 PH 8 25 39
WM Guthrie et ux James Rounds 19 Dec 1882 S/2 NE/4 WD 8 25 39 A338 dup?
Sheriff Lincoln County 9 Dec 1890 S/2 NE/4 STD 8 25 39 L264
Sheriff Lincoln County 9 Dec 1890 N/2 NE/4, E/2 NW/4 STD 8 25 39 L313
Lincoln Co Alexander Willson 20 May 1891 NE/4 RCD 8 25 39 K328
Walter Walford JW Slee and HM Mobbs 2 Jul 1891 NE/4 WD 8 25 39 M604
JW Slee and HM Mobbs Thomas S Griffith 13 Feb 1892 NE/4 WD 8 25 39 N345 may be reversed
Thomas S Griffith Maritus Olsen 16 Feb 1892 NE/4 D 8 25 39 N361
JH Buckman est SE/4 8 25 39
US Jackson L Brown 11/16/1898 SE/4 PH 8 25 39
JM Hutton WR Warren 13 Jun 1884 SE/4 WD 8 25 39 B48
Thomas Griffith Martinus Olsen 16 Feb 1892 SE/4 WD 8 25 39 N361
US Luke E Ensor et al 4/17/1890 3 Feb 1891 SW/4 PC 8 25 39 G216
LE Ensor, et ux John H Buckman 10 Nov 1892 SW/4 WD 8 25 39 Q158
US NPRR 5/27/1895 9 25 39
NPRR Co M. Olsen 15 Sept 1895 NW/4 RD 9 25 39 W40
NPRR Co Emil Dueber, James Behan 15 Mar 1897 SE/4, SW/4 = S/2 RD 9 25 39 I139
Luke Ensor Est Martinus Olsen 8 Jul 1892 NE/4 WD 9 25 39 I328
John Wickham Fred Wagner 6 Dec 1890 NE/4 WD 9 25 39 L367
US William H Capps 8 Jan 1894 NW/4 RR 10 25 39 S192
William H Capps 3/29/1894 NW/4 PH 10 25 39
US Charles Overdorf 11/9/1896 11 Oct 1897 N/2 NE/4 PH 10 25 39 U153
Charles Overdorf Carl Ostercamp 11 Oct 1897 N/2 NE/4 WD 10 25 39 I436
US George Capps 30 Mar 1891 S/2 NE/4, NW/4 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 RR 10 25 39 M457
George W Capps 11/23/1891 S/2 NE/4, NE/4 SW/4, NW/4 SE/4 PH 10 25 39
GW Capps JS Capps 2 Feb 1892 S/2 NE/4, NW/4 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 WD 10 25 39 N333
US John Stanford Capps 1 Jun 1891 W/2 SW/4, SE/2 SW/4, SW/4 SE/4 RR 10 25 39 M531
John Stanford Capps 12/1/1891 W/2 SW/4, SE/4 SW/4, SW/4 SE/4 PC 10 25 39
Joseph H King 6/8/1901 E/2 SE/4 PH 10 25 39
US NPRR 5/27/1895 11
NPRR Co Peter Forbes 31 Jul 1886 NE/4, SE/4 WD 11 25 39 E97
Herman H Erdman Henry Mahrt NW/4 11 25 39 18-499
Peter Forbes Jenny Forbes 5 Feb 1892 E/2 WD 11 25 39 N335
JT McEwen JW McEwen 26 Feb 1892 EW/2 Q 11 25 39 N367
Peter D Forbes Central Washington RR 25 Jan 1889 RoW through NE/4, SE/4 RW 11 25 39 H191
US Charles Babcock 10/17/1889 23 Jul 1890 NW/4 PH 12 25 39 F151
LA & WL Turner Brock Jackson 13 Feb 1895 NW/4 Q 12 25 39 T43
Charles Babcock Central Washington RR 7 Dec 1888 RoW through NW/4 D 12 25 39 H134
Peter Tramm Charles Babcock 19 Jun 1890 NW/4 WD 12 25 39 J545
Charles Babcock Peter Tramm 19 Jun 1890 NW/4 WD 12 25 39 J548
US Jacob Lutzhoff 14 Feb 1885 NE/4 RR 12 25 39 C364
US Jacob Lutzhoff 5/26/1888 NE/4 PH 12 25 39 F95
Jacob Lutzhoff Central Washington RR 25 Jan 1889 RoW through NE/4 RW 12 25 39 H189
Jacob Lutzhoff Peter Tramm 8 Mar 1894 NE/4 WD 12 25 39 S223
US Peter Tramm 3/12/1890 SE/4 PH 12 25 39
Peter Tramm Central Washington RR 28 Mar 1889 RoW through SE/4 RW 12 25 39 H536
US Charles Babcock 7/25/1882 SW/4 PC 12 25 39
Charles Babcock Peter Tramm 28 Oct 1895 SW/4 WD 12 25 39 A724
Charles Babcock Peter Tramm 22 Dec 1890 SW/4 WD 12 25 39 L365
US NPRR 5/27/1895 13 25 39
NPRR Co JM Hatton 11 Apr 1881 NW/4 D 13 25 39 D3
Jim Hatton JP Holcomb 11 Apr 1881 NW/4 WD 13 25 39 A17
JP Holcomb Henry Harder 20 May 1889 NW/4 WD 13 25 39 H510
NPRR Co Peter Tramm 15 Sept 1895 NE/4 RD 13 25 39 W39
Sheriff Lincoln Co 17 Dec 1890 NE/4 SD 13 25 39 L332
Peter Tramm Henry Tramm 21 Dec 1896 NE/4 WD 13 25 39 X513
Christian Seemann C Hughston 12 Oct 1885 N/2 SW/4 D 13 25 39 A686
Christian Seemann C Hieliston 12 Oct 1885 N/2 SW/4 WD 13 25 39 A686
US Samuel B Byers 5/17/1897 W/2 NW/4 PH 14 25 39
US Henry Harder 12/30/1884 N/2 NE/4, E/2 NW/4 PH 14 25 39
US Clarence Hughsten 5/21/1895 S/2 NE/4 PT 14 25 39
Clarence Hughston William Webb 15 Mar 1897 S/2 NE/4 14 25 39 V214
US Christian Seemann 5/26/1888 SE/4 PH 14 25 39
US Thomas G Stevenson 8/5/1889 SW/4 PH 14 25 39
US NPRR 5/27/1895 15
NPRR Co WF Hooker 1 Dec 1883 NW/4 WD 15 25 39 E11
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 NW/4 SD 15 25 39 M183
Peter Walsh Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 30 Apr 1894 1.5 acres in NW/4 SE/4 WD 15 25 39 S278 Lutheran Cemetery
Peter Walsh IOOF Lodge #84 Reardan 5 May 1894 1.5 acres in NW/4 SE/4 WD 15 25 39 S287 IOOF Cemetery
IOOF Lodge #84 Reardan Public 9 Jan 1895 1.5 acres in NW/4 SE/4 WD 15 25 39 IOOF Cemetery
W/2 NW/4 15 Reardan
NPRR Co John W. Still 15 Dec 1883 NE/4 WD 15 25 39 E17 pt became Fairweather
JW Still MLLB Spencer 26 Mar 1884 part of NE/4 WD 15 25 39 C229
Martin L Spencer and wf Central Washington RR 2 Feb 1889 RoW through NE/4 NE/4 RW 15 25 39 H201
Martin P Spencer Central Washington RR 28 Dec 1889 RW 15 25 39 I260
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 NE/4 SD 15 25 39 H236
LF Sheets George Green 18 acres in NE/4 WD 15 25 39 V361
George Green Charles H Blake 13 Dec 1897 18 acres in NE/4 WD 15 25 39 V360
N/2 NE/4, E/2 NW/4 15 Fairweather
NPRR Co Peter Haak 11 Nov 1891 SE/4 D 15 25 39 E376
NPRR Co William A. Schulz 6 Aug 1891 SW/4 CS 15 25 39 N37
NPRR Co William A. Schulz 10 Nov 1891 SW/4 D 15 25 39 E378 see affidavit filed 22 Jan 1901
US Schools 16
W.F. Koeller SW/4 16 25 39
US NPRR 5/27/1895 17
NPRR Co Luke E. Ensor, John W. Buckman 2 Dec 1889 NE/4 except right of way WD 17 25 39 E241
NPRR Co John Mahrt 14 Apr 1894 SE/4 RD 17 25 39 P139
LE Ensor et al Lizzie Buckman 28 Mar 1894 NE/4 less RoW WD 17 25 39 S243
John Buckman Lizzie Buckman 28 Mar 1894 NE/4, less RoW WD 17 25 39 S243 Check
Eriser and Buckman and wife Central Washington RR 2 Feb 1889 RoW through NE/4 RW 17 25 39 H193
Wm Koeller John Mahrt NE/4 17
John Mahrt W/2 17 25 39
US Charley Nelson 13 Oct 1884 E/2 NW/4, lots 1, 2 RR 18 25 39 A543
US Charley Nelson 7/25/1892 E/2 NW/4, lots 1, 2 PT 18 25 39
Charles Nelson Central Wash RR 21 Nov 1888 NE/4, right of way through CS 18 25 39 H117
Charles Nelson M. Olsen 5 Jun 1895 E/2 NW/4, lots 1, 2 WD 18 25 39 T224
US WM Austin 1/26/1891 2 Jun 1891 NE/4 PH 18 25 39 F276 missing RR
WH Austin Central Washington RR 25 Jan 1889 RoW through NE/4 RW 18 25 39 H190
Willard Austin CH Blake 13 Dec 1897 NE/4 Q 18 25 39 I587
US John E Johnson 3/13/1895 N/2 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4, SE/4 SE/4 PH 18 25 39 missing RR
US Charles Nelson 13 Oct 1884 SW/4 SE/4, SW/4, lots 3, 4 RR 18 25 39 A543
US Charles Nelson 10/4/1886 4 May 1887 SE/4 SW/4, SW/4 SE/4, lots 3-4 PH 18 25 39 F94
Michel Lawyer John Mahrt 10 Feb 1903 SE/4 SW/4, SW/4 SE/4, lots 3-4 18 25 39 18-428 Missing WD
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 SE/4 SD 18 25 39 M153 may be M193
US NPRR 5/27/1895 19 25 39 missing NW RD
NPRR Co August Anderson 15 Oct 1896 NE/4 RD 19 25 39 W43
NPRR Co John Davidson 14 May 1892 E/2 SW/4, lots 3,4 RD 19 25 39 P19
Sheriff Lincoln County 9 Dec 1890 SW/4 SD 19 25 39 L298
Lincoln County John R Davidson 28 Mar 1892 SW/4 Q 19 25 39 O310
Northern Pacific Railway Co Fred Mahrt 19 Feb 1903 SE/4 19 25 39 15-244
US ?? NW/4 missing
NPRR Co Luke E. Ensor 30 Sept 1895 NE/4 RD 20 25 39 W41 Can't be right should not be RR land, could be S21
US John Mahrt NE/4 PH
John Mahrt Charles H and Anna Hansen 7-May-08 undiv 1/2 int NW/4 20 25 39 36-86
US Fred Mahrt 28 Nov 1887 SE/4 RR 20 25 39 C527
US Fred Mahrt 5/17/1889 10 Jul 1889 SE/4 PH 20 25 39 F105
Fred Mahrt John Mahrt 27 Nov 1891 E/2 SE/4 WD 20 25 39 N209
US Fred Mahrt 7/25/1892 SW/4 PT 20 missing RR
Fred Mahrt SW/4, W/2 SE/4 20 25 39
US NPRR 5/27/1895 21 missing NW, NE(ensor above)
NPRR Co Jeremiah Rice 30 Mar 1887 SW/4 CS 21 25 39 C420
NPRR Co Jeremiah Rice 5 Nov 1887 SW/4 WD 21 25 39 E124
NPRR Co L Edward Ensor _____ SE/4 CS 21 25 39 Q552 Missing WD
US Simon S Clark 10/21/1898 NW/4 PT
US Peter Haak 5/17/1889 NE/4 PH
US Gamaliel Davidson 10/18/1892 13 Dec 1897 SE/4 PH 22 25 39 U71
Gamaliel Davidson Neil Bowie 17 Dec 1897 SE/4 WD 22 25 39 I594
US Neil Bowie 10/18/1892 17 Dec 1892 SW/4 PH 22 25 39 F487
US NPRR 5/27/1895 23
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 NW/4 SD 23 25 39 M167
NPRR Co Robert R and T. G. Stevenson 5 Aug 1891 NW/4 D 23 25 39 E357 why NPRR?
Robert R Stevenson Thomas G Stevenson 5 Aug 1891 NW/4 WD 23 25 39 O36
LH Whitehouse Thomas G Stevenson 4 Nov 1882 NE/4 WD 23 25 39 A297 missing RD
Sheriff Lincoln Co 15 Dec 1890 SE/4 SD 23 25 39 M179
NPRR Co Herman Zunker 23 Jun 1895 N/2 SW/4 RD 23 25 39 W36 missing S/2
US Henry Harder 15 May 1885 N/2 NE/4, E/2 NW/4 P 24 25 39 F13 Goof?
US Jeremiah J Bartholomew 8/9/1900 NW/4 PH
US Andrew Brainard 5/15/1884 NE/4 PH
Sheriff E Steinbeck 6 Feb 1894 NE/4 SD 24 25 39 S186
Sheriff E. Steinback 8 Jun 1893 NE/4 SD 24 25 39 S186
US James B Flewelling 1/10/1885 SE/4 PC
US Peter Wiese 10/22/1889 SW/4 PH
US NPRR 5/27/1895 25
NPRR Co Henry Englehart _____ NE/4, SE/4 CS 25 25 39 Q556
NPRR Co CE Thing and GW Capps 11 Aug 1891 SW/4 CS 25 25 39 M39
Sheriff Lincoln County 9 Dec 1890 E/2 NE/4 STD 25 25 39 L245
Sheriff Lincoln County 9 Dec 1890 W/2 NE/4 STD 25 25 39 L300
NPRR Co George Capps 11 Aug 1891 SW/4 CS 25 25 39 N39
Sherif Lincoln County 3 Dec 1890 SE/4 CW 25 25 39
US John Waldron 5/26/1888 NW/4 PH 26 25 39
US Charles E Thing 1/7/1893 10 Apr 1893 NE/4 PH 26 25 39 F523
CE Thing IL Thing 7 May 1894 NE/4 Q 26 25 39 S291
IL Thing CE Thing 12 Nov 1896 NE/4 WD 26 25 39 V130
US Henry W Kimble 5/26/1888 17 Mar 1897 SE/4 PH 26 25 39 U25
US John Waldron 6/1/1898 SW/4 PT 26 25 39
US Thomas J Davidson 1 Jan 1892 SW/4 SW/4 P 26 25 39 G274
US NPRR 5/27/1895 27
NPRR Co Neil Bowie 8 Feb 1895 NW/4 RD 27 25 39 T17
NPRR Co Neil Bowie 8 Feb 1895 NW/4 RD 27 25 39 T11 Dup?
NPRR Co Harrison A Denny 18 Jul 1889 NE/4 CS 27 25 39 H618
NPRR Co Harrison A Denny 13 Dec 1889 NE/4 WD 27 25 39 E245
NPRR Co AF Wendlandt 1 Jul 1892 SW/4 CS 27 25 39 Q105
NPRR Co August Wendlandt 4 Oct 1892 SW/4 RD 27 25 39 P42
August Wendlandt Albert Manning 28 Jan 1896 SW/4 WD 27 25 39 R622 Name?
August Wendlandt Albert Mantz 28 Jan 1896 SW/4 WD 27 25 39 R622 Dup?
NPRR Co Lorin W. Denny 18 Jul 1889 SE/4 CS 27 25 39 H617
NPRR Co Lorin W. Denny 13 Dec 1889 SE/4 WD 27 25 39 E244
Loren Denny HA Denny 11 Mar 1893 SE/4 WD 27 25 39 Q316
HA Denny JW Travis 11 Mar 1893 NE/4, SE/4 Agreement 27 25 39 Q317
Gamaliel Davidson Neil Bowie 17 Dec 1897 SE/4 WD 27 25 39 I594 missing WD
John Stanford Capps GeorgeW Lair 12 Apr 1892 part of WD 27 25 39 N407 Looks wrong
US Jeremiah F Rice 1/13/1888 26 Jan 1888 NW/4 RR 28 25 39 C558
US Jeremiah F Rice 8/5/1889 NW/4 PH 28 25 39
JF Rice Sarah Rice 8 Jun 1897 NW/4 WD 28 25 39 Q417
Sarah B Rice J Hughes 3/8/1905 NW/4 28 25 39
J Hughes AC Plaster 3/8/1905 NW/4 28 25 39
US Joseph Gandy 12/11/1891 30 Mar 1893 NE/4 PC 28 25 39 G375
US Charles Franz 13 May 1892 SE/4 RR 28 25 39 L5
US Charles Franz 8/1/1892 14 Sep 1892 SE/4 PH 28 25 39 F449
Sheriff Lincoln County 9 Dec 1890 SE/4 STD 28 25 39 L246
Sheriff American Mortgage Co 1 Nov 1895 SE/4 CS 28 25 39 S565 check
Sheriff American Mortgage Co 18 Nov 1895 SE/4 SD 28 25 39 Y42
Norwestern Pac Yoypu' Bank AC Plaster 15 Feb 1899 19 Feb 1901 SE/4 28 25 39 9-135 x $1,250
William B Sumerlin AC Plaster 8 Jan 1900 SE/4 28 25 39 "7-30 x $1,500
US Samuel W Plaster 10/4/1886 15 Jul 1889 SW/4 PH 28 25 39 F107 x
SW Plaster AC Plaster 15 Jul 1889 SW/4 28 25 39 I246 x $1,000
AC Plaster John H Bets [Betz?] 5 Dec 1898 SW/4 28 25 39 4-489 x $1,600
John H Bets Luella Plaster 22 Apr 1899 9 Feb 1901 SW/4 28 25 39 9-137 x $1,000
US NPRR 5/27/1895 29
NPRR Co John Mann 19 Oct 1889 SW/4 D 29 25 39 E231 How can this be? suspect T26 instead of T25.
NPRR Co Otis Sprague 2 Jun 1886 All WD 29 25 39 E95
Sheriff Northwestern and Pacific Hypotheekbank 10 Apr 1897 All SCS 29 25 39 I211
Northwestern and Pacific Hypo Bank John Mahrt 18 DEC 1900 NW/4 29 25 39 5-589
AC Plaster Richard Gerken 25-Apr-05 pt SE/4 29 25 39 28-617 Land with buildings
John Mahrt NE/4 29 25
Sheriff E. Steinback 8 Jun 1893 All SCS 29 25 39 Q416 S24 instead of S29?
Jeremiah F Rice Charles F Rice 22 Mar 1898 NW/4 30 25 39 V497 x $1
AE Derby Charles F Rice 17 Dec 1901 NW/4 SW/4 30 25 39 12-129
US George E Prince 5 Mar 1883 NE/4 RR 30 25 39 A456
US George T Prince 24 Oct 1884 NE/4 RR 30 25 39 A546
US George T Prince 15 Nov 1889 NE/4 P 30 25 39 F132
WG Elstep LW Moody 18 Jan 1897 NE/4 Q 30 25 39 X592
Oscar Hill John Peterson 8 Apr 1895 NE/4 _____ 30 25 39 T113
WG Estep LW Moody 28 Jun 1897 NE/4 Q 30 25 39 X592
George Prince WG Estep 12 Mar 1895 NE/4 WD 30 25 39 T113
US Jeremiah F. Rice 19 Feb 1894 SE/4 P 30 25 39 F609
L.J. Rice SE/4 30 25 39
John Mahrt NE/4 30 25 39
US NPRR 5/27/1895 31
NPRR Co John Hinton 28 Jun 1893 S/2 NW/4, lots 3, 4 RD 31 25 39 P107
US James G Heard 10/4/1886 NW/4 PH 32 25 39
US Oscar Vought 25 Jun 1892 NE/4 RR 32 25 39 Q95
US Oscar M Vought 4/8/1893 NE/4 PT 32 25 39
US Edward Osterkamp 6/8/1895 SE/4 PH 32 25 39
US Alton C Christopherson 5/26/1888 25 Apr 1882 SW/4 PH 32 25 39 F396
US NPRR 5/27/1895 33
NPRR Co George N Bowen 22 Apr 1884 NE/4 WD 33 25 39 E34 Check
George N Bowen Arius Glassburn 2 Feb 1885 NE/4 WD 33 25 39 A371 Check
George N Burns and wife Arius Glassburn 26 Feb 1885 NE/4 WD 33 25 39 A571 Check
D. G. Glassburn Sarah B. Glassburn 25 Nov 1886 NE/4 WD 33 25 39 C328 Check
Arius Glassburn est Sarah B. Rice 14 Dec 1898 undiv 1/2 int NE/4 WD 33 25 39 R113 Check
Jeremiah Rice, adm of A Glassburn est Sarah B. Rice 14 Dec 1893 undiv 1/2 int NE/4 WD 33 25 39 R113 Check
Jeremiah Rice, adm of A Glassburn est Sarah B. Rice 8 Feb 1894 NE/4 WD 33 25 39 S193 Check
Sarah B. Rice Annie Jerard 8 Nov 1894 NE/4 _____ 33 25 39 S514 Check
Sarah B. Rice Jeremiah Rice 16 Nov 1894 NE/4 WD 33 25 39 S526 Check
Jeremiah Rice Sarah B. Rice 16 Nov 1894 NE/4 WD 33 25 39 S527 Check
Sarah B. Rice David Glassburn 12 Jun 1895 NE/4 A 33 25 39 T233 Check
Sheriff Lincoln Co 22 Dec 1890 SW/4 33 25 39 M195
US Henry A Goodwin 10/15/1889 NW/4 PC 34 25 39
US Emmanuel Wilson 13 Sep 1885 NE/4 RR 34 25 39 A674
US Emmanuel Wilson 2/2/1889 13 Jun 1889 NE/4 PH 34 25 39 F102
Emmanuel Wilson JB Kreinbuhl 1 Sep 1890 NE/4 WD 34 25 39 K107
JB Kreinbuhl United Trust Limited 22 Nov 1897 NE/4 WD 34 25 39 I182
JP Kreinbuhl United Trust Limited 22 Mar 1897 NE/4 WD 34 25 39 J182
US Gilbert B Bentley 3/5/1891 21 Jan 1892 SE/4 PH 34 25 39 F366
US Hiran C Wilson 20 Nov 1885 SW/4 RR 34 25 39 A713
US Hiram Wilson 6/21/1888 14 Sep 1888 SW/4 PH 34 25 39 F61
Hiram Wilson Sanford B Ladd 31 Aug 1897 S/2 SW/4 SW/4 WD 34 25 39 I391
Sanford B Ladd M. Moriarty 22 Dec 1897 S/2 SW/4 SW/4 Q 34 25 39 I612
Sheriff Anton Eichler 22 Apr 1897 N/2 SW/4, SE/4 SW/4, N/2 SW/4 SW/4 SD 34 25 39 Y96
US NPRR 5/27/1895 35
NPRR Co William Ahlf 25 Apr 1895 NW/4 RD 35 25 39 W13
William Ahlf John August Ahlf 25 Apr 1895 NW/4 WD 35 25 39 T156
NPRR Co Henry Kimble 17 Mar 1897 NE/4 RD 35 25 39 P155
NPRR Co I Leo Anderson 15 Oct 1892 SE/4 RD 35 25 39 P53
NPRR Co John A. Stoughton 26 Nov 1890 SW/4 CS 35 25 39 L149
NPRR Co John A Stoughton 10 Sep 1892 SW/4 RD 35 25 39 P34
John A Stoughton James B Gray 18 Aug 1891 SW/4 WD 35 25 39 O65
James B Gray John J Anderson 14 Nov 1892 SW/4 WD 35 25 39 O478
US schools AKA State of Washington all 36