Reardan Electric Company

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Spokane Chronicle 16 March 1905 p9 c2:

The electric light plant recently installed at Reardan is giving great satisfaction, according to J. M McDowell, president of the company, who was in the city this week. "We started the machinery moving March 1," stated Mr. McDowell, and have been furnishing light to every business house in the city, with one exception. We have just started firing the residences of the town and by October I hope to be lighting nine tenths of the residences of Reardan. We are already carrying a load on our dynamos which more than pays for the running expenses. We furnish the city lights. Five 1200 horsepower arc lamps give great satisfaction. Our plant is run by steam and is 100 horsepower. It will be plenty large enough for all the needs we will have to meet in the near future. We are so fixed that we can readily install more machinery If we find it necessary."

Tacoma Daily Ledger 18 December 1905 p6 c5:

REARDAN Dec 17 — On account of the breakage of the machinery the Reardan electric light plant has closed down and the town is in darkness for the first time since the establishment of the plant. The mishap comes at an unfortunate time as the Christmas stock of the merchants cannot be shown to good advantage by coal-oil light The lighting company has decided to put in a new engine and it will probably be three weeks before the plant is again in operation.