Reardan Superintendents

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The following have served as superintendent of the Reardan Schools. This table has a some missing information.

Beginning in 1900, Mr. Padley served as head of the school for four years, then as assistant county superintendent for one year, and again as principal for five years. He introduced high school work gradually, and at the close of his last year, the first high school class, Ernest Davidson, Albert Ryder, and Charles Zeimantz, was graduated. The 1910 class numbered three: Iva Davidson, Ella Moriarty, and Josephine Lacy. The present high school building was erected in 1906.

After Mr. Padley the next outstanding superintendent was Mr. Putnam now superintendent of schools in Ellensburg, who for two years held the position of high school principal, and in 1912 became superintendent. During the four years he served, the high school was placed on the state accredited list.

Reardan Superintendents
Years Superintendent
1900-1909 William Padley
1912-1916 G. L. Putman
-1917- C. E. Jinnett
-1920- H. A. Bradley
1923-1934 Harl Aldrich, Sr.
1934-1945 H. P. Olsen
1945-1948 Curtis Odell
1948-1962 Lewis McKay
1962-1975- Joe Johnson
1976-1978 Richard Omans
1978-1981- Frank Kelly
-1982-1985- Gil Johnson
1988-1996- Tom Crowley
1997-2003- Rob Clark
-2016-2017- Marcus Morgan
-current Eric Sobotta