West Crescent Telephone Company

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Spokesman-Review 28 January 1904 p4 c4:

Substantial Lines Will Replace the Barbed Wire System--Will Have City Connections.
REARDAN. Wash., Jan. 27.--The farmers of Spring Creek and West Crescent are organizing a company to erect and operate rural telephone lines in this vicinity. The company will be incorporated under the name of the Farmers' West Crescent Telephone company. The trustees and officers for the first six months are: Oscar Carstens, David Emley and W. H. Childs. trustees; G. Garber president; J. W. Mann, vice president; Henry Carstens, treasurer; A. J. Cone, secretary.

The company's principal office will be in Reardan. Arrangements have been made with the Pacific States Telephone company to connect with the long distance line here.

The barbed wire system which has been in use here for the past couple of years, while it educated the community up to the advantages of the rural telephone, has not been altogether satisfactory.

The new company will put up its line in a substantial manner on good cedar poles. This will make the second rural system from this point, the other being owned by John Hansen of Davenport.

Spokesman-Review 19 March 1904 p8 c5:

Another Phone Line Petitions.
Another Lincoln county telephone system wishes to enter the western part of Spokane county. The county commissioners have received a petition from Oscar Carstens and others for permission to use the county roads for erecting telephone poles of the West Crescent Cooperative Telephone company. The roads desired are: Carstens, Cunningham, Bennett, Warner, Tyler and Bowie roads. No action has been taken on the petition.

Spokesman-Review 9 February 1909 p6 c5:

Reardan Council actions...
A franchise was granted the West Crescent Farmers' Telephone company to erect and operate lines in the city.

Spokesman-Review 10 February 1909 p5 c3:

Rearden Busnees Men Agree to Have Instruments Removed.
REARDAN. Wash.. Feb. 19--At a meeting this afternoon the local businessmen signed an agreement to discontinue use of the Farm and City Telephone company's lines and with one exception, the instruments now in use will be ordered taken out before March 1. The West Crescent Telephone company is installing phones and will control nearly all the local business. The business houses will be without long-distance connections indefinitely, but are willing to put up with this until the local company can get better service. A messenger will be employed.

Spokane Chronicle 19 March 1909:

The Farmers West Crescent Telephone company has started work on its new line in Reardan and will be ready for business by April 1.

Spokesman-Review 2 August 1911 p9 c3:

Better Phone Service at Reardan
REARDAN, Wash., August 1. The West Crescent Cooperative Telephone company has decided to give additional service on its lines beginning August 1, and hereafter the lines will be continuously in service from 6 a.m. um, til 9 p.m.

Levenworth Echo 20 July 1917 p6 c2:

REARDAN--West Crescent Farmers Telephone company has raisied rates.