Joe Wynecoop

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January 5, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynecoop [Sr.] and family attended the funeral of Mr. Wynecoop's step mother, Mrs. Nancy Wynecoop of Wellpinit, Saturday.

Hold Services for Mrs. Wynecoop

Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Anna Wynecoop of Wellpinit were held Saturday from the Presbyterian church in Wellpinit with Rev. Hall conducting the service. Burial was at Wellpinit cemetery. Mrs. Wynecoop died at a Spokane hospital Friday, following an operation for gall stones.

She was born February 5, 1875 at Walkers Prairie in Stevens county and in 1894 was married to John Curtis Wynecoop. She was an active member and worker of the Presbyterian church all her life.

Surviving are six daughters: Mrs. Fannie LeBret, Mrs. Ester Bair, Mrs. Christoine LeBret, all of Wellpinit, Mrs. Alice McCallum, Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Bernice Wendlandt, Wellpinit and Miss Nettie Wynecoop, Norfolk, Calif.; five sons John, Eddison, Clair [father of George "Wig", Wade, Robert and David], and William all at the home and [a step son] Joe Wynecoop [Sr.] of Mondovi. One sister, Mrs. Albert Teuleu, Kewa, Ferry county, twenty-eight grand children and three great-grandchildren.

December 25, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Richard Jantz of Edwall, who was employed on the Smith-Hughes building construction work here during the early fall is on the freshman fencing team at the eastern Washington college of education. Joe Wynecoop of Reardan is on the varsity fencing team. Fred Koch, former Ritzville athlete, is a member of the Cheney varsity swimming team.

May 27, 1941 Spokesman-Review

College Head in Play Role

Dr. Ralph E. Eieje Takes Lead Part in "It Can't Happen Here"

EASTERN WASHINGTON COLLEGE. CHENEY, May 26--Eastern Washington college president, Dr. Ralph E. Tieje, played the title role of Doremus Jessup last night at Cheney, when the college dramatics department present the Sinclair Lewis play, "It Can't happen Here."

"This is undoubtedly the most powerful dramatization in our day of democracy under fire," said R. K. Allen, head of the English department of the college. "The cast is composed of experienced and highly competent players who surely extract the full significance of this timely theme. As students and adults we should not fail to take heed of the situation that such a play presents to us."

3 Levels of Education

Three levels of education are represent in the play, with Dr. Tieje representing the faculty, college students the main cast, and Lester Jones of the Cheney junior high school taking the part of David Greenhill, the boy. The play will also be presented Tuesday, at 8:15, according to Miss Grace Newell, director.

Cast is listed

Included in the cast are the following: Lester Mathis, Mattie Allison, Lauren Stolp, Joe Wynecoop, Margaret Van Brundt, Lester Jones, Dr. Ralph E. Tieje, Reid Newhouse, Marjorie Cutting, Ralph Stevens. Jim Bolman, Harold Shierrman, Jack Hornback, Gordon Stevens, Irwin Williams, Don Baker, Bill Crooks, Glenn Pitcher, Al Mattus and Bryant Smick.

May 21, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Among those listed to graduate from the college at Cheney at the end of the spring quarter June 12, are ...Marcine Erdman, Helen Irene Mahrt, and Joe Wynecoop of Reardan and Dorothy R. Zeimantz of Davenport.May 29, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joe Wynecoop of Mondovi has a part in a one-act play, "Sham," to be presented by the class in directing at the college at Cheney, Jun 2 and Marcine Erdman of Reardan will direct another one-act play, "Theatre of the Soul," on this program. Wynecoop was recently initiated into Theta Alpha Pi, national honorary dramatics fraternity, at the college.

July 23, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joseph Wynecoop, a student at the Eastern Washington College of Education at Cheney spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynecoop.

September 17, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joseph Wynecoop, Jr. enlisted in the army Air Corps in Spokane on Thursday and was sent to Camp Lewis for induction. Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wynecoop of Mondovi, received his B. A. degree from E. W. C. E. at Cheney this summer, where during his college career he was a prominent dramatic student.

October 15, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wynecoop left Sunday to visit their son, Private Joseph Wynecoop, who is a clerk in the army air corps there [probably Fort Lewis or Alameda Field].

December 10, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joseph Wynecoop, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wynecoop, has been transferred from Alameda Field in California to Hill Field at Ogden, Utah.

January 14, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joseph Wynecoop, who is stationed at Hill Field, Utah, has been advanced in rank to private first class.

Private First Class Joseph Wynecoop, who is with the army air corps at Hill field, Ogden, Utah, arrived Wednesday for a visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynecoop of Mondovi. He left for Ogden on Saturday. He graduated from Reardan high school and from the college at Cheney, enlisting in September.

March 25, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private First Class Joseph Wynecoop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynecoop, writes that he has been transferred from Ogden, Utah, to San Bernadino, Calif. He is with a headquarters squadron. He is a graduate of Reardan high school and the college at Cheney.

March 25, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. William Hein had word that their son, Don, is now private first class. He is stationed at Camp Haan, Calif., and is with the military police. He recently visited Private First Class Joseph Wynecoop, Sergeant Loyd McLain and Cecil Heath, all former Reardan boys located at San Bernadino.

April 1, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joseph Wynecoop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynecoop of Mondovi, has been transferred from the army air base at Ogden, Utah to one at San Bernadino, Calif.

July 1, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Corporal Joe Wynecoop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynecoop, has graduated from his school at Miami, Fla., and is now stationed at San Bernadino, Calif., where he is permanent athletic director at the army base. Corporal Wynecoop is a graduate of Reardan high school and the college at Cheney.

July 29, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wynecoop, Sr., of Mondovi have received word that their son, Joseph Wynecoop, Jr., has been promoted from corporal to sergeant in the United States army. He is stationed at San Bernadino, Calif. Sergeant Wynecoop was graduated from Reardan high school and the college at Cheney and was a member of the varsity debate squad there.

September 23, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

MONDOVI--Sergeant Joseph Wynecoop, who is stationed at the army camp at San Bernadino, Calif., spent a five-day furlough last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wynecoop.

October 12, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joseph A. Wynecoop, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wynecoop of Mondovi, has been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the army. He was a member of the latest class to complete training in the army air force officer candidate school of the San Antonio aviation cadet center. Completion of the rigorous four month course qualifies the men to fill positions as administrative officers with the army air forces. Training includes instruction in military courtesy, discipline, small arms, military law, camouflage and a multitude of other subjects.

Wynecoop started OCS training at Miami Beach, Fla., last March. Previous to that he was a sergeant at San Bernadino army air field and attended the college at Cheney before entering the service.

Lt. Wynecoop flew to Oakland, Calif., on his graduation and was married to Miss Clarion Meigle of Minneapolis, Minn, a cadet nurse. Following his furlough, he will report to Atlanta, Ga.

October 26, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lt. J. A. Wynecoop writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynecoop, that he was moved to Atlantic City, N. J. He received his commission recently from the army air force officer candidate school of the San Antonio aviation cadet center in Texas. Lt. Wynecoop is a graduate of the Reardan high school and the college at Cheney.