Loyd McLain

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[Loyd McLain graduated from Edwall in 1932. Loyd's parents only gave him one 'L'; most editors insist on two; maybe they shook the 'L' out of him.] [Loyd married Elanor Bernis in April, 1936 and filed for divorce in October of the same year. He appears to be married in 1943 with a child. He later married Gladys Parks in 1946.]

November 3, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Rev. Charles B. Marrs, Boy Scoutmaster, and C. F. Joslin took the Reardan Scout troop to Spokane to swim at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday night. Rev. W. S. Plowman, assistant Scoutmaster, Loyd McLain and Billie Colville furnished the cars. The boys were Billie Colville, Tommy Walsh, Jack and Jim Delamater, Jimmy Rinker, Carl Garber, Harold Mann, Glen Anderson, Richard Foland, Dean Anyan, George Koeller, Earl Travis, Marvin Evers, Berne Barnard, Carl Koeller and Elmer Wendlandt.,

December 3, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Lloyd McLain writes that he has been transferred to Hill Field, Utah.

December 24 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Technical Sergeant Lloyd McLain, who is stationed at Ogden, Utah, arrived home last weekend for a holiday visit with relatives in the area. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain and was inducted into the army last spring. He is with the cooks and bakers division in the army.

January 7, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. John Robinson entertained at a 6:30 New Year's dinner in honor of Sergeant Lloyd McLain of Ogden, Utah, who is visiting his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain of Davenport. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLain, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brommer and children, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wheller, Jack, Dean, and Wayne McLain.

March 25, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hein had word that their son, Don, is now private first class. He is stationed at Camp Haan, Calif., and is with the military police. He recently visited Private First Class Joseph Wynecoop, Sergeant Lloyd McLain and Cecil Heath, all former Reardan boys located at San Bernadino.

April 8, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Lloyd McLain arrived home Monday for a short visit with his wife and baby. He has not seen his son, who was born about two months ago. Sergeant McLain was recently injured when a jeep he was driving overturned six times. An officer was killed, McLain reports. He has been stationed at San Bernadino, California.

August 12, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Lloyd McLain, who is with the headquarters squadron at San Bernadino, Calif. is spending his furlough with his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain.

September 30, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Staff Sergeant Lloyd McLain, who has been visiting in this area with friends and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain of Edwall, for the past week, left Monday to return to duty at San Bernadino, Calif., where he is stationed at an army air depot.

September 30, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Lloyd McLain, who is with the army air corps at San Bernadino, Calif., spent a few days with relatives here.

December 10, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Lloyd McLain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain, has been transferred from Fresno, Calif., to the air base at Walla Walla, where he is a cook in the medical section of the air corps.

February 17, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sgt. Lloyd McLain, who is cook with the army air forces spent a three-day pass with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain, and with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brommer and family. He is now stationed at Pendleton, Ore.

Staff sergeant Lloyd McLain with wedding cake

July 13, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

A G.I. Cupid

All is not "roast beef medium' for the G.I.s at the Ogden air service command as demonstrated here by Staff Sgt. Lloyd C. McLain of Davenport, mess supervisor with the 4135 AAF base unit, who is putting the finishing touches on a wedding cake for his pal, Cpl. John Guidi, who recently married Pvt. Georgina A. Poncelot of the Hill Field WAC detachment. Staff Sergeant McLain entered the army in 1942 from Davenport and arrived at Hill Field after extensive courses in the army cooks and bakers schools.

November 9, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sgt. Lloyd McLain, who is with the air corps at Hill Field, Ogden, Utah, is spending a 20-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain, and other relatives.

January 25, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Lloyd McLain of Hill Field, Ogden, Utah, has been transferred to Galena [now Fairchild AFB]. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLain.

November 11, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Friday Sergeant Lloyd McLain received his discharge at Portland. He entered the service in March, 1942, and was a mess sergeant in the air corps, and was stationed at Galena [now Fairchild AFB], He served only in the states.