Don Cooper

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June 4, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Donald Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper, enlisted as a naval aviation cadet. He was a graduate of the Cheney High School and attended Washington State college.

August 20, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Don Cooper, a navy aviation cadet at Weeks field, Coeur d'Alene, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper, and sister, Marjorie.

August 19, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Donald Cooper was graduated with the rank of ensign from the naval flying school at Corpus Christie, Texas. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper and graduated from the Cheney high school and attended college at Cheney.

September 2, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Ensign Donald Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper, left Sunday of last week for Corpus Christi, Texas, after spending a few days with his parents here. Ensign Cooper received his wings and commission on August 11 from Corpus Christi and has returned there as a naval instructor.

February 15, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

[believe this is about Don and not Ben based on service]

Lieutenant Ben B. Cooper was transferred to Mitchell Field, N. Y., from Savannah, Ga. He is training for naval air transport service. His wife and baby will accompany him.

March 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lt. (j.g.) Donald Cooper, who was at Atlanta, Ga., has been transferred to the naval air base at Alameda, Calif.

April 5, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lt. (j.g.) Don Cooper has been transferred from Alameda, Calif. to Pearl Harbor and is with the naval transport service. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper.

June 7, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lt. (j.g.) Don Cooper, writes his wife, who is living with his parents, that he has been removed from Pearl Harbor to the Marianas. He is with the naval transport service in evacuation.

September 27, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lt. Don Cooper, with the navy, is waiting for his discharge at Honolulu.

November 22. 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lt. (j.g.) Don Cooper arrived at Oakland last week for separation from the navy. His wife and small son, who have been making their home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper, left Wednesday to meet him. He has been in the service 37 months.