Harry Huffman

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(Spokesman-Review July 30. 1941)

May 30, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

In last Thursday's Chronicle was an article about a well known boy from Long Lake. Lieutenant Harry V. Huffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Huffman of Long Lake, was in a serious condition at Harding field hospital after his foot was amputated when he bailed out of his plane near Denham Springs. Huffman's plane collided in the air with one piloted by Lieutenant Martin Clark on a routine flight. Both parachuted out, but Huffman's foot evidently was caught in the propeller blade or another part of the plane and was cut off. Mr. Huffman's father flew back to La. to be with his son. Word was received here Saturday not to worry, as he was doing nicely.

March 25, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Vernon Emley, who is with the coast guard at Seattle, spent from Tuesday until Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milt Emley. He came with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huffman and daughter, who visited Mr. Huffman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Huffman of Long Lake. Mr. Huffman was an aviation cadet in the army until he was injured in an airplane accident, necessitating the amputation of is leg. He is employed at Seattle.

[After the war Harry worked for the Washington Water Power Company and competed in several shooting contests. He died in 1971.]