John "Jack" Finrow

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Lt. John H. "Jack" Finrow (

November 23, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Ens. Jack Finrow Reported Missing

Mrs. Emma Finrow had word from Mr. and Mrs. Merle Finrow of Seattle that their son, Ensign Jack Finrow was reported missing. His parents have not heard from him in two months. He is in the Pacific area.

Ensign Finrow attended grade school here and later moved to Spokane with his parents, where he graduated from North Central high school. He was a junior at the University of Washington at the time he entered the service.

Once before he had a narrow escape, when he with others was on a life boat when a ship sighted them and went to their rescue.

Lt. John H. Finrow, Fort Wayne, IN (where his wife was raised) (

May 24, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Navy Cross is Awarded to Lt. Finrow

Award of the navy cross to Lt. John “Jack” Finrow, age 24, missing in action in the Pacific since the middle of last November, has been announced.

Lieutenant Finrow, son of Mrs. Edna Finrow, Seattle, was awarded the decoration for his courageous action in leading a flight in the Sibuyan area during the second battle of the Philippine sea, October 24, 1944.

Pilot of a scout bomber attached to an aircraft carrier air group, Lieutenant Finrow led his flight through an intense enemy barrage to attach part of the enemy flight, scoring a near miss on a destroyer which inflicted great damage, his citation said.

His "extreme courage in the face of great odds...his inspiring leadership and valiant devotion to duty," displayed not only during the battle of the Philippine sea, but in other actions, were taken note of in giving the award.

Lt. Finrow served 10 months aboard the Enterprise in the early days of the war and then after duty in this country, went out a year ago. He took part in the battles of Santa Cruz and Guadalcanal. He holds two presidential unit citations and the air medal with a gold star.

Lt. Finrow will be remembered as the son of Merle Finrow, who died this spring. He was well known here having lived in Reardan for several years while a young boy.