Lee Gray

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March 116, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lee Gray, who joined the U.S. Navy recently and has been stationed at San Diego, Calif., is visiting his brother, William Gray, and uncle, E. T. Gray. Mr. Gray has a ten-day vacation after which he will be stationed at Norfolk, Virginia.

July 15, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lee Gray, brother of William Gray, was a member of the crew of the U.S. destroyer Strong that was torpedoed and sunk in the New Georgia island group last week. So far relatives have had no word if he is among those saved. He was well known in the Spring Creek community, having worked for his uncle, E. T. Gray. He joined the navy over four years ago and has a wife and child in Philadelphia.

[A Deep Creek man, Lewis Supinger, was aboard the USS Chevalier, which rescued 241 survivors before the USS Strong sank. Lewis later last his life.]

August 26, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lee Gray, machinists mate first class of the U.S.S. Strong, destroyer which was sunk in the battle of the Kula gulf recently, arrived here Wednesday for a visit with his brother, William Gray, and his mother, Mrs. Jessie Gray, in Spokane. He left the end of the week for Philadelphia to join his wife and baby, and from there, he will attend a naval school in Norfolk, Va.

Lee was in the engine room when the torpedo struck, but he was not injured. He enlisted in the navy five years ago. He also visited the home of his uncle, E. T. Gray.

June 7, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Chief Motor Machinist Mate Lee Gray, his wife and daughter of Philadelphia, Penn., are visiting his brother, William Gray, and uncle, E. T. Gray. He has a 25-day leave while his ship is being repaired. He is one of the survivors of the U.S.S. Strong that was sunk by the Japs about a year ago. He is also visiting his brother, Harvey, and family in Spokane; his mother, Mrs. Jessie Gray, and sister, Mrs. F. A. Provorse of Seattle.

November 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Chief Petty Officer Lee Gray is home after having received his honorable discharge. He was in the service six years and 10 months had has several battle stars on his various ribbons. He and his family are making there home in Spokane where he is employed with Carter's Motors. Mr. Gray is the son of Mrs. Jessie Gray of Cheney.