Gus Magnuson

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June 1, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Seniors to Graduate Thursday

Gus Magnuson and Marvin Zwainz from class composite (Kirk Carlson photograph of composite)

Commencement exercises for the Reardan High School will be held on Thursday June 9, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium, at which time a class of twenty-five seniors will receive their diplomas. The class includes: Gus Magnuson, Marvin Zwainz, Alfred Lukaszeski, Bob Snyder, Lucile Stilner, Mac Postlewaite, Wilma Clouse, Florine Schultz, Loretta Mahoney, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster, Mary Hanning, Patricia Kelly, Marcine Erdman, Ester Garber, Dorothy Wegner, Freda Wegner, Keith Denson, Howard Williams, Pat Owens, Bernice Bilyeu, Howard Dial, Alice Rettkowski, Herman Scholer, Richard Henry.

  • Salutatory Address "Building the Ship"--Marcine Erdman
  • "Launching the Ship"--Phyllis Plaster
  • Trombone solo --Marvin Zwainz
  • "Manning the Ship"--Loretta Mahoney
  • Piano Duet --Doris Plaster and Dorothy Wegner
  • Solo --Herman Scholer
  • Violin solo -- Patricia Kelly
  • Valedictory address "Ships Destiny" --Gus Magnuson
  • Senior girls sextet
  • Presentation of class --H. P. Olson
  • Presentation of diplomas --R. R. Plaster
  • Benediction --Karl Ufer

July 8, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

College Grads to be Separated

These four young pople have been classmates through grade and high school at Reardan and Washington State college, where they graduated on May 24 of this year. They are (left to right): Mary Hanning, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster, and Gus A. Magnuson, Jr. (Davenport Times-Tribune from personal clipping)

It is not unusual for students to be classmates through grade and high school, but Mary Hanning, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster and Gus A. Magnuson, Jr., have the distinction of completing college together in addition to their 12 years in the Reardan schools.

However, by fall, they will be scattered to all parts of the country. Mary Hanning received a bachelor of science degree in physical education and will teach at Prosser high school this coming term. Doris Plaster majored in home economics and will teach at Odessa this next term. Phyllis Plaster is going to Boston where she plans on taking dietetic internship at the Peter Ben Brigham hospital. Gus A. Magnuson, Jr., received his bachelor's degree in science in psychology and at present is in officer' candidate school in Fort Benning, Ga.

September 30, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Gus Magnuson has graduated from officers candidate school at Fort Benning, Ga., and received his commission as second lieutenant in the army. He is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Magnuson before going to Camp Roberts, Calif. Lt. Magnuson was graduated from the local high school and from Washington State college. He has been in the service since June.

October 28, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Gus Magnuson Reported Seriously Ill

Mr. and Mrs. Magnuson received word Tuesday night that the son, Second Lieutenant Gus Magnuson, was seriously ill at Camp Roberts, Calif., and left immediately to be with him.

Lieutenant Magnuson is a graduate of Washington State college and last month was graduated and received his commission at Fort Benning, Ga. and was home on furlough before reporting to California.

At last reports reaching friends here, Lt. Magnuson had been placed in an iron lung and had passed the critical stage and was slowing improving.

November 4, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Gus Magnuson Died

Word was received here Sunday of the death Saturday night of Second Lieutenant Gus Magnuson at Camp Roberts, Calif.

Gus Magnuson Jr. (?)

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Magnuson, pioneer farmers of this community, left for California two weeks ago when the received word that their son had been stricken with infantile paralysis. He was placed in an iron lung and later reports came that his condition had improved. Lt. Magnuson was born here 22 years ago and [graduated high school in] 1939. He attended Washington State college and was a member of this years' graduating class. He entered the army in June, going to Fort Douglas, Utah from where he was sent to officer candidate school at Fort Benning, Ga. He received his commission in September and visited his family a few days before leaving for Camp Roberts.

Besides his parents, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Don Roberts and two nephews of Schenectady, N. Y., and several aunts and uncles.

November 11, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Large Funeral Service Honors Lt. G. Magnuson

Reardan People Attend First World War II Funeral Rite

One of the largest funeral service ever held here paid tribute to Lt. Gus A. Magnuson, age 22, at the local Presbyterian church on Saturday afternoon. The service was the first held in this community for one of our service men during World War II. The Rev. L. N. Williams of Millwood officiated and arrangements were handled by the Smith Funeral Home of Spokane. Burial was at the Riverside park cemetery. Mrs. Wm. J. Colville was soloist accompanied by Mrs. Hickman of Spokane. Pall bearers were Ensign Robert Pickett of Seattle, Don Roberts of Schenectady, N. Y., Gordon Wilkes of Dishman, Ole Haugen of Greenacres, Robert Fancher of Tonasket, and Arthur Hanning. Lt. Magnuson died at the Hoff general hospital in Santa Barbara, Calif., on October 30 from poliomylitis. He had been sent to the hospital from Camp Roberts where he had been appointed instructor at the infantry replacement training center. Appointments to such positions are based on education, general intellectual ability and qualities of leadership.

Lt. Magnuson was born here and raised in this community, attending grade school and graduating high school with the class of 1939, and was valedictorian of his class. He graduated from Washington State college in June where he was an honor student. Upon his graduation he entered the army and was sent to Fort Benning, Ga., where he graduated and received his commission in September.

The survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Magnuson, one sister, Mrs. Don Roberts, and two nephews of Schenectady, N. Y. and several aunts and uncles.

April 6, 1944

Award To Honor Lt. G. Magnuson

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Magnuson have presented a $5,000 memorial scholarship honoring their son, Lieutenant Gus A. Magnuson Jr. to the State College of Washington.

Lt. Magnuson, a graduate of the local high school, graduated with honors in psychology from WSC last year. He had four years of ROTC and was given a commission at Fort Benning, Ga., in September. He was stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif., when he contracted infantile paralysis and died at Santa Barbara, California, in October.

Lt. Magnuson was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Scabbard and Blade, and of the Quill club.

The award is to be given annually to some worthy WSC Student "of sound character," preferably from the state of Washington. The choice is to be made by a faculty committee.