Marvin Zwainz

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November 10, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

The senior class under the direction of George Anderson is practicing a play entitled "New Fires" to be given November 18. Those in the cast are Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Esther Garber, Herman Scholer, Marcine Erdman, Mary Hanning, Gus Magnuson, Marvin Zwainz, Loretta Mahoney, Freda Wegner, Bernice Bilyeu, Florine Schultz, and Howard Williams.

Jim Thorpe, greatest athlete of all times, spoke before the school assembly Tuesday afternoon, the first of a series of programs to be given during the school year. He spoke of his life as an athlete and gave an inspirational message to the young people. He was on Walter Camps' all-American football team for three years, played major league baseball, represented the United States twice at the Olympic games. His record in the pentathlon and decathlon still stands, author of books and magazine articles, he is at present a motion picture actor appearing in the picture "Big City."

April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--Carl Koeller, Herman Scholer, Ray Foland; scenery--Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Alfred Lukaszeski, Gordon Thomas; properties--Dorothy Wegner, Ray Foland, Marvin Zwainz; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--Roger Mahrt, Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, Harold Anderson, Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, Zelda Sprinkle. [The play was under the direction of the Rev. Karl Ufer.]

June 1, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Seniors to Graduate Thursday

Commencement exercises for the Reardan High School will be held on Thursday June 9, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium, at which time a class of twenty-five seniors will receive their diplomas. The class includes: Gus Magnuson, Marvin Zwainz, Alfred Lukaszeski, Bob Snyder, Lucile Stilner, Mac Postlewaite, Wilma Clouse, Florine Schultz, Loretta Mahoney, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster, Mary Hanning, Patricia Kelly, Marcine Erdman, Ester Garber, Dorothy Wegner, Freda Wegner, Keith Denson, Howard Williams, Pat Owens, Bernice Bilyeu, Howard Dial, Alice Rettkowski, Herman Scholer, Richard Henry.

Gus Magnuson and Marvin Zwainz from 1939 RHS Class Composite
  • Salutatory Address, "Building the Ship"--Marcine Erdman
  • "Launching the Ship"--Phyllis Plaster
  • Trombone solo --Marvin Zwainz
  • "Manning the Ship"--Loretta Mahoney
  • Piano Duet --Doris Plaster and Dorothy Wegner
  • Solo --Herman Scholer
  • Violin solo -- Patricia Kelly
  • Valedictory address, "Ships Destiny" --Gus Magnuson
  • Senior girls sextet
  • Presentation of class --H. P. Olson Presentation of diplomas --R. R. Plaster
  • Benediction --Karl Ufer

Mr. and Mrs. Ined McDowell returned home after a trip to the East where they purchased a new Dodge car. They had a wonderful time.

September 10, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marvin Zwainz

Sergeant Marvin Zwainz, who is with the selective service board in San Francisco, Calif., writes his mother, Mrs. Elva Zwainz of Spokane that he will enter the Lieutenant school at Fort Benning, Georgia, some time this month. He was reared in this community and is a [1939] graduate of the Reardan high school.

November 23, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

On Official List Killed in Action

Lieutenant Marvin Zwainz, son of Mrs. Elva Zwainz of Spokane, was killed in action in France, according to a report from the war department.

Lt. Marvin Zwainz

Three weeks ago he was reported missing in action October 6. He enlisted in the army [December 31, 1940. One of his initial postings was to a selective service station in Los Angeles where he was promoted to Sergeant.] He received his commission at the officers training school for infantrymen at Fort Benning, Ga. He was overseas two years, serving Africa when our forces first landed there. A year ago he went to Italy and in September was moved to France.

[He was killed in the battle for Hill 422 three quarters of a mile southeast of Fremifontaine against the German 111th Panzer Grenadiers of the 11th Panzer Division. In the heavy fighting around the village of Fremifontaine the 180th Regiment would lose 119 KIA, 556 WIA and 82 MIAs.]

He was born in the Mondovi-Reardan community 23 years ago and attended the Reardan grade and high schools, later graduating from Kinman business college in Spokane.

Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Elva Zwainz; a sister, Muriel; the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Flood of Spokane and Sebastian Zwainz of Los Angeles, Calif.; three uncles, Bernard L. Flood of Mondovi, George Zwainz of Reardan, and Antone Zwainz, Los Angeles[ and three aunts].

Marvin Zwainz grave in Epinal, France (
Marvin Zwainz headstone in Epinal, France (
Marvin Zwainz memorial in Reardan (