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'''September 29, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''September 29, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
MONDOVI--On last Tuesday [[Joe Cox]] underwent an operation for appendicitis at the St. Luke's hospital in Spokane and the next day [[Ralph Williams]] was rushed to Spokane for the same type of operation. Both men are in the same ward and are getting along nicely.
MONDOVI--On last Tuesday '''Joe Cox''' underwent an operation for appendicitis at the St. Luke's hospital in Spokane and the next day [[Ralph Williams]] was rushed to Spokane for the same type of operation. Both men are in the same ward and are getting along nicely.

'''May 4, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''May 4, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Luther League "Plain Jane" cast members are: Florine Schultz, Doris Plaster, Dorothy Ekins, Phyllis Plaster, Irene Wegner, Freda Wegner, [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Gordon Thomas]], [[Joe Cox]], [[Alfred Lukaszeski]].
Luther League "Plain Jane" cast members are: Florine Schultz, Doris Plaster, Dorothy Ekins, Phyllis Plaster, Irene Wegner, Freda Wegner, [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Gordon Thomas]], '''Joe Cox''', [[Alfred Lukaszeski]].

'''August 3, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''August 3, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
==== Emmanuel Lutheran Church News ====
'''Emmanuel Lutheran Church News'''
Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and [[Roger Mahrt]], Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, [[Zelda Sprinkle]], Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, [[Carl]] and [[George Koeller]], [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Gordon Thomas]], [[Jack Fleming]], Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, [[Joe Cox]], Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. [[Karl Ufer]], and George Reinbold of Egypt.
The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included [[Harold]] and [[Glen Anderson]]; Lorraine Brommer, [[Joe Cox]], Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.
Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and [[Roger Mahrt]], Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, [[Zelda Sprinkle]], Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, [[Carl Koeller |Carl]] and [[George Koeller]], [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Gordon Thomas]], [[Jack Fleming]], Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, '''Joe Cox''', Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. [[Karl Ufer]], and George Reinbold of Egypt.
The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included [[Harold Anderson |Harold]] and [[Glen Anderson]]; Lorraine Brommer, '''Joe Cox''', Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.

'''November 28, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''November 28, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt's Thanksgiving dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schneider, Mrs. John Mahrt, Mrs. William Wegner, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Miss Martha Wegner, Miss Freda Wegner, Miss Irene Wegner, Miss Helen Mahrt, [[Roger Mahrt]], Charley Mahrt, and [[Joe Cox]].
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt's Thanksgiving dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schneider, Mrs. John Mahrt, Mrs. William Wegner, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Miss Martha Wegner, Miss Freda Wegner, Miss Irene Wegner, Miss Helen Mahrt, [[Roger Mahrt]], Charley Mahrt, and '''Joe Cox'''.
==== [December 7, 1941 Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor] ====
'''[December 7, 1941 Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor]'''

'''December 18, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''December 18, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Two Mondovi boys volunteered their services last week, [[Steve Zeimantz]] left on Thursday for Jefferson barracks in Missouri and on Wednesday, [[Joe Cox]] joined the navy.
Two Mondovi boys volunteered their services last week, [[Steve Zeimantz]] left on Thursday for Jefferson barracks in Missouri and on Wednesday, '''Joe Cox''' joined the navy.

'''January 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''January 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
[[Joe Cox]], Mondovi farmer, who also enlisted early in September, left Wednesday for Seattle to report for naval duty.
'''Joe Cox''', Mondovi farmer, who also enlisted early in September, left Wednesday for Seattle to report for naval duty.

'''January 22, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''January 22, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
MONDOVI--[[Joe Cox]], who has been home from the navy on leave, received orders on Monday to report back to Seattle Thursday morning, from where he expects to be sent to San Diego, California.
MONDOVI--'''Joe Cox''', who has been home from the navy on leave, received orders on Monday to report back to Seattle Thursday morning, from where he expects to be sent to San Diego, California.

'''June 25, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''June 25, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
[[Joe Cox]], who joined the navy early in the spring, arrived last week at Pearl Harbor according to word received by his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen.
'''Joe Cox''', who joined the navy early in the spring, arrived last week at Pearl Harbor according to word received by his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen.

'''November 26, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''November 26, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
[[Joe Cox]], brother of Mrs. Ray [Lillengreen], is a pharmacist's mate in a hospital staff at the naval hospital at Pearl Harbor. Before enlisting he farmed the old W. N. Child's farm.
'''Joe Cox''', brother of Mrs. Ray [Lillengreen], is a pharmacist's mate in a hospital staff at the naval hospital at Pearl Harbor. Before enlisting he farmed the old W. N. Child's farm.

'''December 17, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''December 17, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
The Times-Tribune is in receipt of a letter from [[Joseph Arnold Cox]], pharmacist mate, third class, in the United States navy, who is stationed at the new hospital at Pearl Harbor, H. I. Mr. Cox, formerly a farm working in the Mondovi region, enlisted in the naval reserves shortly after the war was declared last year. He reports he likes his work very well and believes that this country has progressed greatly during the year toward winning the war.
The Times-Tribune is in receipt of a letter from '''Joseph Arnold Cox''', pharmacist mate, third class, in the United States navy, who is stationed at the new hospital at Pearl Harbor, H. I. Mr. Cox, formerly a farm working in the Mondovi region, enlisted in the naval reserves shortly after the war was declared last year. He reports he likes his work very well and believes that this country has progressed greatly during the year toward winning the war.

'''August 19, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''August 19, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Pharmacist Mate Second Class [[Joe Cox]] writes his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen that he is with the new naval hospital at Pearl Harbor and the he likes his work. He has been at Pearl Harbor since June 1942.
'''Pharmacist Mate Second Class Joe Cox''' writes his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen that he is with the new naval hospital at Pearl Harbor and the he likes his work. He has been at Pearl Harbor since June 1942.

'''January 27, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''January 27, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
[[Joe Cox]], who is with a naval hospital detachment at Pearl Harbor, writes his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen, that he has been advanced from pharmacist second mate to pharmacist first mate. He has been in the navy for two years and was farming in the district at the time of his enlistment.
'''Joe Cox''', who is with a naval hospital detachment at Pearl Harbor, writes his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen, that he has been advanced from pharmacist second mate to pharmacist first mate. He has been in the navy for two years and was farming in the district at the time of his enlistment.

'''October 5, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''October 5, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Pharmacist mate first class [[Joe Cox]] writes his sister, he is still at Pearl Harbor and is with the administrative department.
'''Pharmacist mate first class Joe Cox''' writes his sister, he is still at Pearl Harbor and is with the administrative department.

'''December 28, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''December 28, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
[[Joe Cox]], chief pharmacist mate, arrived here Friday for a 30-day leave with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lillengreen. Joe has been in the navy nearly three years and for the past two and a half has been stationed in Hawaii in a naval hospital.
'''Joe Cox''', chief pharmacist mate, arrived here Friday for a 30-day leave with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lillengreen. Joe has been in the navy nearly three years and for the past two and a half has been stationed in Hawaii in a naval hospital.

'''January 4, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''January 4, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
==== Miss Wegner Weds Joe Cox ====
'''Miss Wegner Weds Joe Cox'''
Four o'clock Thursday at the Lutheran church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Martha Wagner [28], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, to [[Joseph A. Cox]] [30], chief pharmacist mate. Rev. Edward Wagner united the couple.
Four o'clock Thursday at the Lutheran church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Martha Wagner [28], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, to '''Joseph A. Cox''' [30], chief pharmacist mate. Rev. Edward Wagner united the couple.
Mrs. Cox, attired in a pink street dress, was attend by her sister, Mrs. Henry Schwartz, who wore blue. Ray Lillengreen was best man for his brother-in-law. Henry Schwartz was the usher.
Mrs. Cox, attired in a pink street dress, was attend by her sister, Mrs. Henry Schwartz, who wore blue. Ray Lillengreen was best man for his brother-in-law. Henry Schwartz was the usher.
Mrs. Robert Burgess of Seattle, sister of the bride and Mrs. Earl Williams, the bride's cousin, were vocalists accompanied by Miss Evelyn Wendlandt at the organ.  
Mrs. Robert Burgess of Seattle, sister of the bride and Mrs. Earl Williams, the bride's cousin, were vocalists accompanied by Miss Evelyn Wendlandt at the organ.  
Mrs. Cox has been teaching in the grade school here and the groom has been in the navy for three years, most of the time being stationed in a naval hospital in Pearl Harbor.
Mrs. Cox has been teaching in the grade school here and the groom has been in the navy for three years, most of the time being stationed in a naval hospital in Pearl Harbor.
Following the wedding, which was attended by nearly 60 close friends and relatives, a reception was held. Mrs. Esther Knight of Spokane, the groom's sister, cut the wedding cake and Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. Lillengreen poured.
Following the wedding, which was attended by nearly 60 close friends and relatives, a reception was held. Mrs. Esther Knight of Spokane, the groom's sister, cut the wedding cake and Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. Lillengreen poured.
Chief Mate [[Joseph Cox]] is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox of Greenacres and is a graduate of the Creston high school. He attended business college in Spokane and at the time of entering the navy, he was engaged in farming here.
'''Chief Mate Joseph Cox''' is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox of Greenacres and is a graduate of the Creston high school. He attended business college in Spokane and at the time of entering the navy, he was engaged in farming here.
Mrs. Cox is a graduate of the local high school and the college at Cheney. After spending a 30-day leave here and in Spokane, he will report to Seattle for further orders.
Mrs. Cox is a graduate of the local high school and the college at Cheney. After spending a 30-day leave here and in Spokane, he will report to Seattle for further orders.
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'''February 8, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''February 8, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Chief Pharmacist Mate [[Joseph Cox]] Jr. is now at a naval hospital in Corvallis, Ore. He recently had a leave after spending two years in Hawaii. His wife is the third and fourth grade teacher in the local school. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox, Sr., of Greenacres.
'''Chief Pharmacist Mate Joseph Cox''' Jr. is now at a naval hospital in Corvallis, Ore. He recently had a leave after spending two years in Hawaii. His wife is the third and fourth grade teacher in the local school. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox, Sr., of Greenacres.

'''February 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''February 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Mrs. [[Joseph Cox]], who resigned as teacher of the third and fourth grades, left Friday evening to join her husband, who is pharmacist mate first class, at the naval hospital at Corvallis, Ore.
'''Mrs. Joseph Cox''', who resigned as teacher of the third and fourth grades, left Friday evening to join her husband, who is pharmacist mate first class, at the naval hospital at Corvallis, Ore.

'''November 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''November 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Chief Pharmacist Mate [[Joseph Cox]] had his honorable discharge after serving nearly four years, 30 months of which were in the Hawaiian islands. He was recently located at the Naval Hospital at Corvallis, Oregon. Before returning home, he and his wife visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess and sons at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Cox will make their home here.
'''Chief Pharmacist Mate Joseph Cox''' had his honorable discharge after serving nearly four years, 30 months of which were in the Hawaiian islands. He was recently located at the Naval Hospital at Corvallis, Oregon. Before returning home, he and his wife visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess and sons at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Cox will make their home here.
[[category: WWII Veteran]]

Latest revision as of 11:24, 19 November 2022

September 29, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

MONDOVI--On last Tuesday Joe Cox underwent an operation for appendicitis at the St. Luke's hospital in Spokane and the next day Ralph Williams was rushed to Spokane for the same type of operation. Both men are in the same ward and are getting along nicely.

May 4, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Luther League "Plain Jane" cast members are: Florine Schultz, Doris Plaster, Dorothy Ekins, Phyllis Plaster, Irene Wegner, Freda Wegner, Clarence Frounfelter, Gordon Thomas, Joe Cox, Alfred Lukaszeski.

August 3, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church News

Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and Roger Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Zelda Sprinkle, Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, Carl and George Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Gordon Thomas, Jack Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, Joe Cox, Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. Karl Ufer, and George Reinbold of Egypt.

The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included Harold and Glen Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, Joe Cox, Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.

November 28, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt's Thanksgiving dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schneider, Mrs. John Mahrt, Mrs. William Wegner, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Miss Martha Wegner, Miss Freda Wegner, Miss Irene Wegner, Miss Helen Mahrt, Roger Mahrt, Charley Mahrt, and Joe Cox.

[December 7, 1941 Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor]

December 18, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Two Mondovi boys volunteered their services last week, Steve Zeimantz left on Thursday for Jefferson barracks in Missouri and on Wednesday, Joe Cox joined the navy.

January 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joe Cox, Mondovi farmer, who also enlisted early in September, left Wednesday for Seattle to report for naval duty.

January 22, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

MONDOVI--Joe Cox, who has been home from the navy on leave, received orders on Monday to report back to Seattle Thursday morning, from where he expects to be sent to San Diego, California.

June 25, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joe Cox, who joined the navy early in the spring, arrived last week at Pearl Harbor according to word received by his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen.

November 26, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joe Cox, brother of Mrs. Ray [Lillengreen], is a pharmacist's mate in a hospital staff at the naval hospital at Pearl Harbor. Before enlisting he farmed the old W. N. Child's farm.

December 17, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

The Times-Tribune is in receipt of a letter from Joseph Arnold Cox, pharmacist mate, third class, in the United States navy, who is stationed at the new hospital at Pearl Harbor, H. I. Mr. Cox, formerly a farm working in the Mondovi region, enlisted in the naval reserves shortly after the war was declared last year. He reports he likes his work very well and believes that this country has progressed greatly during the year toward winning the war.

August 19, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pharmacist Mate Second Class Joe Cox writes his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen that he is with the new naval hospital at Pearl Harbor and the he likes his work. He has been at Pearl Harbor since June 1942.

January 27, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joe Cox, who is with a naval hospital detachment at Pearl Harbor, writes his sister, Mrs. Ray Lillengreen, that he has been advanced from pharmacist second mate to pharmacist first mate. He has been in the navy for two years and was farming in the district at the time of his enlistment.

October 5, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pharmacist mate first class Joe Cox writes his sister, he is still at Pearl Harbor and is with the administrative department.

December 28, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Joe Cox, chief pharmacist mate, arrived here Friday for a 30-day leave with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lillengreen. Joe has been in the navy nearly three years and for the past two and a half has been stationed in Hawaii in a naval hospital.

January 4, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Wegner Weds Joe Cox

Four o'clock Thursday at the Lutheran church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Martha Wagner [28], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, to Joseph A. Cox [30], chief pharmacist mate. Rev. Edward Wagner united the couple.

Mrs. Cox, attired in a pink street dress, was attend by her sister, Mrs. Henry Schwartz, who wore blue. Ray Lillengreen was best man for his brother-in-law. Henry Schwartz was the usher.

Mrs. Robert Burgess of Seattle, sister of the bride and Mrs. Earl Williams, the bride's cousin, were vocalists accompanied by Miss Evelyn Wendlandt at the organ.

Mrs. Cox has been teaching in the grade school here and the groom has been in the navy for three years, most of the time being stationed in a naval hospital in Pearl Harbor.

Following the wedding, which was attended by nearly 60 close friends and relatives, a reception was held. Mrs. Esther Knight of Spokane, the groom's sister, cut the wedding cake and Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. Lillengreen poured.

Chief Mate Joseph Cox is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox of Greenacres and is a graduate of the Creston high school. He attended business college in Spokane and at the time of entering the navy, he was engaged in farming here.

Mrs. Cox is a graduate of the local high school and the college at Cheney. After spending a 30-day leave here and in Spokane, he will report to Seattle for further orders.

February 8, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Chief Pharmacist Mate Joseph Cox Jr. is now at a naval hospital in Corvallis, Ore. He recently had a leave after spending two years in Hawaii. His wife is the third and fourth grade teacher in the local school. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox, Sr., of Greenacres.

February 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Joseph Cox, who resigned as teacher of the third and fourth grades, left Friday evening to join her husband, who is pharmacist mate first class, at the naval hospital at Corvallis, Ore.

November 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Chief Pharmacist Mate Joseph Cox had his honorable discharge after serving nearly four years, 30 months of which were in the Hawaiian islands. He was recently located at the Naval Hospital at Corvallis, Oregon. Before returning home, he and his wife visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess and sons at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Cox will make their home here.