Ralph Gordon Thomas

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In most accounts Ralph Gordon Thomas is referred to simply as "Gordon Thomas."

January 26, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Dorothy Ekins honored Miss Lorraine Brooks and Miss Nadine Gehrke's birthdays Sunday with a skating party and at the same time celebrated her own birthday. Following the skating, refreshments were served at Miss Ekins home. Guests were Zelda Sprinkle, Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Lorraine Brommer, Bertha Schwartz, Agnes Weyen, Marjorie and Lorraine Brooks, Nadine Gehrke, Dorthy Wegner, Ruth Ann Olson, Elaine Rowland, Marvin Evers, Gus Magnuson, Gordon Thomas, Billy Colville, Bill Anderson, Clarence Frounfelter, Roger Mahrt, Jack Fleming, Marvin Zwainz and Ed Eckert.

April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--Carl Koeller, Herman Scholer, Ray Foland; scenery--Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Alfred Lukaszeski, Gordon Thomas; properties--Dorothy Wegner, Ray Foland, Marvin Zwainz; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--Roger Mahrt, Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, Harold Anderson, Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, Zelda Sprinkle.

May 4, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Luther League "Plain Jane" cast members are: Florine Schultz, Doris Plaster, Dorothy Ekins, Phyllis Plaster, Irene Wegner, Freda Wegner, Clarence Frounfelter, Gordon Thomas, Joe Cox, Alfred Lukaszeski.

August 3, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church News

Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and Roger Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Zelda Sprinkle, Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, Carl and George Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Gordon Thomas, Jack Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, Joe Cox, Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. Karl Ufer, and George Reinbold of Egypt.

The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included Harold and Glen Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, Joe Cox, Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.

The last outing will be held August 27 and member of the committee to make arrangements for it are Katherine Bull, Carl Koeller, Doris and Lorene Nielsen, Doris, Evelyn, and Phyllis Plaster, Ruth Olson, Zelda Sprinkle, Gordon Thomas, and Marjorie Wegner. This committee will meet Thursday evening, August 24.

May 23, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Commencement Program

Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school class of 33 members will be held next Wednesday, May 29, in the Reardan school auditorium. Members of the class are: Phyllis Ahern, Alice Aman, Bill Anderson, Helen Anyan, Melvin Bilyeu, Lorraine Brommer, Eilene Carstens, Vernon Carstens, Marie Christensen, Bill Colville, Georginia Daughty, Ardth Edwards, Dorothy Ekins, Phyllis Emley, Marvin Evers, Clarence Frounfelter, Agnes Hiss, Mary Jean Hopkins, Hazel Krupke, Ellwood Landt, Eileen Lucht, Dorothy Meyer, Gladys Nunn, Margaret Olson, Bill Paul, Dorothy Remmers, Samuel Remmers, Bertha Schwartz, Gordon Thomas, Grace Travis, Agnes Weyan, Carl Weyen, Ernest Weyen.

  • Trumpet quintet--Bill Anderson, Eilene Carstens, Marvin Evers, Mary Jean Hopkins, Lorraine Brommer
  • Presentation of Gift--Vernon Carstens
  • Trio--Agnes Weyen, Hazel Krupke, Dorothy Ekins
  • Panel Discussion--Democracy--Dorothy Ekins, Marvin Evers, Marie Christensen, Vernon Carstens, Gordon Thomas, Bill Colville, Agnes Weyen
  • God Bless America--Senior Class

April 10, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Vernon Carstens, Marvin Evers, Bill Colville, Bill Anderson, Gordon Thomas, Gus Magnuson and Victor Hyslop came home Friday from WSC for their spring vacation.

November 27, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Many Reardan young people were home for the Thanksgiving vacation. Included were Lloyd Carstens and Lorraine Brooks from Kinman Business university, Gordon Thomas, Mary Hanning, Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Quintin Landreth, Marvin Evers, Billy Colville, Bill Anderson, Gus Magnuson, Jack Fleming, Vernon Carstens, Agnes Weyen, Zelda Sprinkle and Martha Joslin from Washington state college; Bertha and Lorraine Schwartz from the University at Seattle; Dorothy Ekins, Patricia Mahoney, Ruth Ann Olson and Harriet Mahrt from Spokane; Irene and Freda Wegner, Viola Walsh, Marcine Erdman, Helen Mahrt, and Elaine Rowland from Cheney.

January 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students returning to the various schools to resume their studies following the holiday vacation are: Billy Colville, Billy Anderson, Marvin Evers, Gordon Thomas, Victor Hyslop, Gus Magnuson, Quintin Landreth, Martha Joslin, Zelda Sprinkle, Mary Hanning, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster and Agnes Weyan to Washington State College; Evelyn Schultz, the University of Idaho at Moscow; Helen Mahrt, Marcine Erdman, Freda Wegner, Irene Wegner and Elaine Rowland, Eastern Washington College of education at Cheney; Lorraine Brooks and Lloyd Carstens Kinman Business University; Nadine Gehrke, Kelsey Baird Secretarial school in Spokane and Harriet Mahrt, Spokane Telegraph school.

February 12, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Ralph Gordon Thomas of Reardan, former star basketball player there, who enlisted in the marines recently, was shipped from Spokane to a training camp last Thursday.

April 16, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Howard Evers, son of Mrs. Eva Evers, is in two of the scenes in the marine picture "From the Shores of Tripoli" which will appear at the Fox theatre in Spokane this weekend. The scenes were taken at San Diego where Howard is also located there and is with the marines. He says Gordon Thomas is also located there and is with the telephone class.

March 30, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Corporal Gordon Thomas has written his mother, Mrs. Alice M. Thomas, that he is now at a base in the Hawaiian islands. He has spent 14 months on two islands of the Somoans and saw combat duty in the Marshall [Islands]. Corporal Thomas entered the marines shortly after Pearl Harbor. He is a graduate of the local high school and attended WSC for two years before entering the service.

December 14, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marine Corporal Gordon Thomas arrived here Thursday to visit his mother, Mrs. Alice Thomas, after 28 months in the Pacific. He entered the service thirty-four months ago and this is his first leave. He is in the communication department. He was at Guam, Solomons, Marianas, and Guadalcanal and wears two stars on his ribbon indicating two major combats.

On his way home he visited his sister, Mrs. Kenneth Hoenson (Ruth Thomas) at Sacramento, Calif. Cpl. Thomas is a graduate of the Reardan high school and was attending Washington state college when he entered the service. On January 9 he will report to a marine base in California for reassignment.

January 11, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marine Corporal Gordon Thomas, who arrived home on December 7 to visit his mother, Mrs. Alice Thomas, left Saturday for his base in California for his new assignment. He entered the service three years ago and was in the Pacific area for 28 months participating in several combats.

April 5, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marine Corporal Gordon Thomas spent a 72-hour pass with his mother, Mrs. Alice Thomas, from Friday evening until Sunday. He is a graduate of the Reardan high school, and at the time of his entering the service, was a student at Washington state college. He participated in several campaigns while in the Pacific.

January 3, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

Gordon Thomas, who joined the marines about four years ago, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Alice Thomas, leaving on Christmas day for Bremerton, where he is now stationed. He spent many months in the Pacific. Before entering the service he was a student at Washington State college.

February 14, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

Gordon Thomas, who was with the Marines about three years, has his discharge and arrived home last week to visit his mother, Mrs. Alice Thomas. He is a graduate of the Reardan high school and was a student at Washington State college, when he was called to the service.