Carl Koeller

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August 18, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koeller, Dale, George, and Carl Koeller and Raymond Foland were at Felts field in Spokane, Sunday to view the large army bombers and transport planes.

Fire Destroys Truck in Reardan Blaze

While Carl and George Koeller were hauling straw last Wednesday with their father's truck from Roy Plaster's field, the carburetor caught fire and when they tried to put it out, the stubble underneath the truck ignited, setting fire to the truck and the stubble field. The truck was completely destroyed.

George ran to the home of O. E. Mahrt [48982 Rice Rd E, Edwall], where the alarm was spread. The Reardan volunteer fire department, the state road crew, working on the Reardan-Edwall road, and neighbors responded. Backfiring saved the farm buildings of Adolph Anderson [49282 Alexander Rd E, Reardan]. Roy Koeller's standing wheat in an adjoining field was saved by the state road crew's water sprinkler and by a truck plowing a strip around the field. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Plaster wish to thank the Reardan fire department, their neighbors and especially the state crew for their assistance in halting the fire.

September 29, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Carl Koeller and Richard Henry left Friday for Rail Canyon in Stevens county on a deer hunting trip. They returned Sunday.

November 3, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Rev. Charles B. Marrs, Boy Scoutmaster, and C. F. Joslin took the Reardan Scout troop to Spokane to swim at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday night. Rev. W. S. Plowman, assistant Scoutmaster, Loyd McLain and Billie Colville furnished the cars. The boys were Billie Colville, Tommy Walsh, Jack and Jim Delamater, Jimmy Rinker, Carl Garber, Harold Mann, Glen Anderson, Richard Foland, Dean Anyan, George Koeller, Earl Travis, Marvin Evers, Berne Barnard, Carl Koeller and Elmer Wendlandt.

December 15, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

The Reardan high school basketball team accompanied by their coach George Anderson, and Hugo E. Schulz, attended the Eastern College of Education-Washington state college basketball game at Cheney Tuesday night. Boys that went were Quentin Landreth, Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Ross Edwards, Bill Anderson, Billy Colville, Marvin Evers, Keith Denson, Pat Owens, Marvin Zwainz and Joe Mann.

December 29, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor and daughter of Spokane, Dale, Carl and George Koeller were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koeller.

March 16, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Boys Form Recreation Club

The Reardan boys of high school age and up to age of 21 have organized a recreation club. They have rented and remodeled the hall adjoining the I. O. O. F. hall. The room is large and will accommodate a ping pong table, shuffle-board table, pool table, boxing ring, Chinese checkers and other games. Magazines and reading material will also be available.

The room will be open all evenings of the week except Sunday, and open during the day on Saturday and Sunday. Several Reardan men have volunteered to give their time to supervise while the club is open.

The boys wish to thank the people of Reardan and vicinity for their very liberal donations and labor, to help them equip the room. The members will assess themselves each month enough to pay their running expenses from now on. Offers elected were: President: Marvin Evers; vice-president, Melvin Bilyeu and Carl Koeller; secretary-treasurer, Harl Barnard; advisor, C. E. Perryman.

April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--Carl Koeller, Herman Scholer, Ray Foland; scenery--Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Alfred Lukaszeski, Gordon Thomas; properties--Dorothy Wegner, Ray Foland, Marvin Zwainz; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--Roger Mahrt, Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, Harold Anderson, Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, Zelda Sprinkle.

June 22, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Koeller had for their Sunday dinner guest, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koeller, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koeller, Dale, Carl, and George Koeller, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Plaster and daughters, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris.

July 6, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koeller had for their dinner guests Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor of Spokane and Dale, Carl and George Koeller.

August 3, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church News

Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and Roger Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Zelda Sprinkle, Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, Carl and George Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Gordon Thomas, Jack Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, Joe Cox, Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. Karl Ufer, and George Reinbold of Egypt.

The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included Harold and Glen Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, Joe Cox, Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.

The last outing will be held August 27 and member of the committee to make arrangements for it are Kathryn Bull, Carl Koeller, Doris and Lorene Nielsen, Doris, Evelyn, and Phyllis Plaster, Ruth Olson, Zelda Sprinkle, Gordon Thomas, and Marjorie Wegner. This committee will meet Thursday evening, August 24.

October 12, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Lawrence Hamilton and Carl Koeller spent Sunday deer hunting near Chewelah and came home without their deer.

February 1, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church News

Officers elected by the Luther League are Roger Mahrt, president, Carl Koeller, vice president; Miss Zelda Sprinkle, treasurer; Miss Phyllis Anderson, secretary.

October 24, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

The senior play "Tick" will be presented November 15 at 8:00. The...[left side missing] Irene Wegner Eliabeth? Stevenson Jack Fleming ..Beattie Earl Hein Lloyd ... Elaine Rowland Zelda Sprinkle Patricia Mahoney Viola ... Quintin Landreth Joe Mann ... Owens Miss Dorothy..., director. Ruth Ann Olson, Carl Koeller Stage hands.

April 10, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaulke and Miss Evelyn Plaster of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Koeller, Miss Phyllis Plaster, Miss Doris Plaster, and Carl Koeller.

May 22, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Seniors Graduate Tues.

Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school senior class were held Tuesday evening in the school auditorium there. Twenty-nine seniors received their diplomas. Class includes [parital list]: Peggy Beattie, Lloyd Carstens, Jack Delamater, Ross Edwards, Jack Fleming, Earl Hein, Carl Koeller, Quintin Landreth, Dorthy Lundgren, Patricia Mahoney, Joe Mann, Howard McCain, Lorene Neilson, Olivine Owens, Elaine Rowland, Dale Rupnow, Zelda Sprinkle, Betty Stevenson, and Irene Wegner. The commencement program was:

  • Processional, orchestra
  • Selection, Quintin Landreth
  • Presentation of Gift, Ross Edwards
  • Panel discussion "Vocation and Education, Howard McCain, chairman
    1. "The Effect of Changing Social Conditions on Vocational Education," Dorothy Lundgren
    2. "The Effect of Increasing Use of Machines on Vocational Education," Joe Mann
    3. "Vocational Training Received in Public Schools," Irene Wegner
    4. "The Effects of a College Education in Securing a Better Vocation," Earl Hein
    5. "Vocational Education in the Reardan High School," Zelda Sprinkle
  • Selection, orchestra
  • Presentation of the class, Superintendent H. P. Olson
  • Presentation of diplomas, Thomas A. Landreth
  • Dedication, senior girls sextet
  • Selection, Quintin Landreth
  • Benediction, Rev. Karl Ufer.

July 10, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Howard Evers, Walter Thiemens, Carl Koeller and Keith Denson of Los Angeles, California, who are all employed in either national defense work or a subsidiary, arrived here Saturday morning for a visit in their various homes. Keith Denson went to Colville to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Denson, and did not return with the boys Sunday evening. Harold Kiesler also of Los Angeles also accompanied them and while here was the guest of Howard Evers.

October 2, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Carl Koeller and Howard Evers of Los Angeles came Tuesday of last week to visit at their respective homes. They left Monday and will stop in Seattle before returning to Los Angeles.

February 12, 194 Davenport Times-Tribune

Carl Koeller, who for several months has been employed in National defense work at Los Angeles, is now employed at Boeing aircraft in Seattle.

Marcy 19, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster drove to the coast Friday. They visited Carl Koeller at Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koeller at Sequim. They were accompanied by Miss Evelyn Plaster of Spokane, who visited with friends in Seattle, and by Jim Koeller of Spokane, who remained in Seattle where he is now employed by the Boeing Aircraft company. The Plasters returned on Sunday.

Carl Koeller, who is a machinist at the Boeing Aircraft in Seattle visited relatives here over the weekend.

April 9, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

...Carl Koeller... and Jim Koeller, who are employed at the Boeing Aircraft in Seattle, came Saturday night. Carl had Easter Sunday with relatives here and Jim spent Sunday in Spokane. They returned to Seattle Sunday night.

April 23, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

...Carl Koeller... of Seattle came Saturday morning to visit relatives here. He left Monday accompanied by Anna Gerber. She expects to remain in Seattle.

June 18, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Phyllis Plaster left for Seattle, Sunday to attend the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority Convention there. While in Seattle, she will visit ...Carl Koeller... and then go to Sequim, Washington and visit Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koeller.

July 9, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

...Carl Koeller... and James Koeller were here from Seattle visiting relatives over the weekend.

September 3, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Clarence Frounfelter, ...Carl Koeller... and Mrs. Anna Gerber of Seattle came Saturday morning for a visit with relatives. The boys returned Sunday night and Mrs. Gerber remained for a long visit.

October 1, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Colville entertained at dinner Wednesday night in honor of their son, [[Billy [Colville]]], who enlisted in the air corps. Guests invited were boys that had gone through high school together. The included ...Carl Koeller..., Clarence Frounfelter, Jack Fleming, Marvin Evers, Bill Anderson, and Vernon Carstens.

November 5, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

...Carl Koeller..., who has made his home with Annie Gerber, enlisted in the specialist department of the army air corps an left for Fort Lewis, Monday.

November 19, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

...Carl Koeller..., son of Emil Koeller, who enlisted in the specialist department of the army air corps, was sent from Fort Lewis to Minster [Minter?] Field.

November 26, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private Carl Koeller, who was at Bakersfield, Calif., has been moved to Pecos, Texas. He enlisted in the specialist department of the army air corps.

June 10, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

As Carl Koeller was leaving on his furlough, he was surprised when he was handed his corporal's stripes. Corporal Koeller is a military police at the Pecos, Texas, army air field and is the son of Emil G. Koeller. He arrived here in time to attend the funeral of his grandfather, W. F. Koeller, on Friday afternoon. Corporal Koeller enlisted in the air corps in November and prior to that he was employed in defense work in Seattle.

June 17, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Corporal Carl W. Koeller left Saturday for Pecos, Texas, air field after spending a 15-day furlough with relatives here.

September 9, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Carl Koeller, who is with the military police at the army air field at Pecos, Texas, wrote Mrs. Annie Gerber that he has been promoted to the rank of sergeant. Sgt. Koeller enlisted in the air corps last November. He is a graduate of the local high school.

September 30, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Carl W. Koeller [is...] with the military police at Pecos air field, Pecos, Texas.

March 23, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sgt. Carl Koeller is spending a two week furlough here with Mrs. Anna Gerber and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Koeller. He is with the guard squadron at the air base at Pecos, Texas and entered the service about 18 months ago. He is a graduate of the local schools.

April 6, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Carl Koeller, who spent his furlough here with Mrs. Anna Gerber and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Koeller, left Sunday night for his base at Pecos, Texas. He is with the guard squadron of the air forces.

July 20, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emil G. Koeller received a letter on Monday from his son, Sgt. Carl Koeller, stating that he had arrived at his destination overseas, had crossed the equator and was on a south Pacific island. Sgt. Koeller has been in the service for nearly two years and was stationed at Pecos, Texas for most of that time.

November 2, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant George [actually Carl] Koeller writes Mrs. Annie Gerber that he has been moved from New Caledonia to New Guinea. While in the states, Sgt. Koeller was with a guard squadron. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koeller.

February 8, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sgt. Carl W. Koeller, with a M.P. company in the army air force, writes he has been moved from New Guinea to the Philippine islands.

March 22, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sgt. Carl Koeller, who is with the 113th M.P. company, writes he saw George Anyan. The boys are stationed 80 miles apart. This is their first meeting since they entered the service.

September 6, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Carl Koeller writes Mrs. Anna Gerber, that he has been moved from Luzon in the Philippines to Okinawa. He is with a guard squadron with the Fifth air force and also served in New Caledonia, New Guinea and the East Indies. He entered the service nearly three years ago. Sgt. Koeller says he met Sgt. Keith Denson, his schoolmate, and he is stationed near him. Cpl. Ralph Williams writes his brother, Howard, Sgt. Koeller and Sgt. Denson spent a day together and they expected to be together often. Denson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Denson of Coulee Dam and the Williams boys are sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams.

October 4, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sgt. Carl Koeller, who is with the Military Police in the air corps, writes Mrs. Annie Gerber, that he has been moved from Okinawa to Kyongsong, the capitol of Korea [now in North Korea and not capitol]. He was among the first occupation troops to land in Korea. Sgt. Koeller says he is guarding the University there and that the city is modern and has street cars. It is the nicest city he has seen since leaving the states.

January 3, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

Sergeant Carl Koeller, who was serving with an M.P. unit in the Fifth air force on the Pacific islands and later in Korea, received his discharge on New Year's day, and arrived home Wednesday. He served 38 months, 18 months being overseas.