Harold Anderson

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April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--Carl Koeller, Herman Scholer, Ray Foland; scenery--Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Alfred Lukaszeski, Gordon Thomas; properties--Dorothy Wegner, Ray Foland, Marvin Zwainz; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--Roger Mahrt, Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, Harold Anderson, Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, Zelda Sprinkle.

June 1, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Eleven young people were made members of Emmanuel Lutheran last Sunday through the rite of Confirmation. They are: Albert and Harold Anderson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson; Glen Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brommer; Roger Mahrt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mahrt; Doris Neilsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Nielson; Margaret Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson; Ruth Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Olson; Zelda Sprinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle; and Marjorie Wegner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wegner.

August 3, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church News The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included Harold [Anderson] and Glen Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, Joe Cox, Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.

May 13, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

[picture of class RHS 1943] Joyce Haggstrom, Mrs. Breneman, class advisor, Donald Dewar, Mildred Stark, George Doughty. Second Row-- Gilberta Wynecoop, Irene Owens, Beth Barnard, Marjorie Weipert, Nella Mae Reed, Harold Anderson, Betty Boughter, Kenneth Christenson, Third Row: Carl Garber, Foster Anderson, Rosie Owens, Annabelle Fleming, Harold Mann, Kathryn Bull, Marjorie Wegner, Alice Dundon. Forth Row. Jimmie Rinker, Jerry Stevenson, Bonnie Beatie, Carroll Krupke, Maxine Phillips, Elmer News, Essie Brooks, Ellsworth Weyen.

Harold Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson enlisted in the U.S. navy Wednesday and was sent to Farragut station for his primary training. He was a senior in the Reardan high school and enlisted the day before his 18th birthday to get into the branch of the service he desired.

August 5, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Seaman Second Class Harold Anderson came Wednesday to spend his boot camp leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson. Seaman Anderson finished his boot camp on July 2, but his leave was delayed because he took sick with scarlet fever.

September 2, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Harold Anderson, seaman second class, writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson, that he has been transferred from Farragut to Urbana, Ill., where he is attending the University of Illinois, and is taking a course for naval signalmen.

December 30, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Harold Anderson, seaman second class, arrived her Christmas day for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson. Seaman Anderson received hi basic training at Farragut and has been attending a navy signal school at Urbana, Ill. He left Sunday night to report to New York City. He has been in the service since May.

March 23, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Harold Anderson, who had his navy boot training at Farragut and attended a signal school at Urbana, Ill., writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson, that he is on a sub chaser and has one narrow escape when he awoke and found water nearly up to his bunk. However the ship was saved.

August 24, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Harold Anderson, quartermaster third class, arrived home on Saturday to spend a 22-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson. He has just returned from duty in the Canal Zone where he has been for the past several months. He received his basic training at Farragut and also was stationed in Urbana, Ill. At the end of his leave he will report for further duty at Miami, Florida.

January 25, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Harold Anderson, who is with the navy in the Canal Zone, has been promoted to signalman third class. He entered the service in 1943. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson and was graduated from the Reardan high school.

August 16, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Signalman Second Class Harold C. Anderson is home on a 30-day leave. He spent 19 months in the Panama canal zone. His wife, who was at Springfield, Ill., came three weeks ago to be here when her husband arrived. They are both at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson.

January 31, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

His brother, Harold Anderson signalman 2c, who has been at the Panama Canal for many months, is now in the Pacific. His wife is employed at Bremerton.

May 23, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

Signalman 2-c Harold Anderson received his discharge from the navy at Bremerton May 5 after serving 3 years. He spent [22] months at Panama Canal and since November has been in the Pacific. He and his wife are at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson.