Alfred Lukaszeski
September 22, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune
C. E. Perryman, Smith-Hughes instructor for boys, took his livestock judging team to Davenport for the county judging contest held at the Lincoln County and 4-H Club fair. They placed first with only three schools competing. On Saturday they went to Pullman where the competed with twenty-five other teams, placing eighth. Those on the team are: Alfred Lukaszeski, Marvin Evers, and Melvin Bilyeu with Ellwood Landt and Bill Anderson, alternates.
April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune
At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--Carl Koeller, Herman Scholer, Ray Foland; scenery--Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Alfred Lukaszeski, Gordon Thomas; properties--Dorothy Wegner, Ray Foland, Marvin Zwainz; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--Roger Mahrt, Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, Harold Anderson, Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, Zelda Sprinkle.
[Alfred was probably a Catholic, so it is somewhat interesting that he is participating in a Luther League play.]
May 4, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune
Luther League "Plain Jane" cast members are: Florine Schultz, Doris Plaster, Dorothy Ekins, Phyllis Plaster, Irene Wegner, Freda Wegner, Clarence Frounfelter, Gordon Thomas, Joe Cox, Alfred Lukaszeski.
June 1, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune
Reardan Seniors to Graduate Thursday
Commencement exercises for the Reardan High School will be held on Thursday June 9, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium, at which time a class of twenty-five seniors will receive their diplomas. The class includes: Gus Magnuson, Marvin Zwainz, Alfred Lukaszeski, Bob Snyder, Lucile Stilner, Mac Postlewaite, Wilma Clouse, Florine Schultz, Loretta Mahoney, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster, Mary Hanning, Patricia Kelly, Marcine Erdman, Ester Garber, Dorothy Wegner, Freda Wegner, Keith Denson, Howard Williams, Pat Owens, Bernice Bilyeu, Howard Dial, Alice Rettkowski, Herman Scholer, Richard Henry. k Salutatory Address "Building the Ship"--Marcine Erdman "Launching the Ship"--Phyllis Plaster Trombone solo --Marvin Zwainz "Manning the Ship"--Loretta Mahoney Piano Duet --Doris Plaster and Dorothy Wegner Solo --Herman Scholer Violin solo -- Patricia Kelly Valedictory address "Ships Destiny" --Gus Magnuson Senior girls sextet Presentation of class --H. P. Olson Presentation of diplomas --R. R. Plaster Benediction --Karl Ufer
January 25, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune
Al Lukaszeski of Spokane came Monday to spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schalock.
May 6, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune
Private First Class John Lukaszeski of Fort Warden, recently spent a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Frank Bauer in Spokane. His brother, Alfred Lukaszeski, is an army air cadet and is at Santa Ana Calif. Both boys are graduates of the Reardan high school.
January 4, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune
Flight Officer Alfred Lukaszeski who is with a glider unit, has been transferred from Maxton, N. C., to Fort Wayne, Ind., for further training. His brother, John, is with a heavy artillery battalion and recently been sent to England. The boys are sons of Mrs. Frank Bower of Spokane and are graduates of the local high school.
November 1, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune
Flight Officer Alfred Lukaszeski recently received his discharge. He served in Europe with the Ninth Troop Carrier Command as a glider pilot and has the Air Medal. F. O. Lukaszeski is a graduate of the Reardan high school and is a son of Mrs. Frank Bowers of Spokane. While attending school here, he made his home with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schalock, now of Newport.