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'''January 27, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''January 27, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Among those attending the Ski Tournament in Spokane, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, daughter, '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Loreen Nielson, Miss Susan Wolf, [[Waldo Anyan]], Henry Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Magnuson, [[Gus Magnuson]], Mrs. Elva Zwainz, [[Marvin]] and Muriel Zwainz, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mahrt, Helen and [[Roger Mahrt]], Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rinker, and son, [[Jimmie]], Mr. and Mrs. John Childs.
Among those attending the Ski Tournament in Spokane, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, daughter, '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Loreen Nielson, Miss Susan Wolf, [[Waldo Anyan]], Henry Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Magnuson, [[Gus Magnuson]], Mrs. Elva Zwainz, [[Marvin Zwainz |Marvin]] and Muriel Zwainz, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mahrt, Helen and [[Roger Mahrt]], Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rinker, and son, [[Jim Rinker |Jimmie]], Mr. and Mrs. John Childs.

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'''April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--[[Carl Koeller]], [[Herman Scholer]], [[Ray Foland]]; scenery--Carl Koeller, [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Alfred Lukaszeski]], [[Gordon Thomas]]; properties--Dorothy Wegner, [[Ray Foland]], [[Marvin Zwainz]]; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--[[Roger Mahrt]], Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, [[Harold Anderson]], Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, '''Zelda Sprinkle'''.
At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--[[Carl Koeller]], [[Herman Scholer]], [[Ray Foland]]; scenery--[[Carl Koeller]], [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Alfred Lukaszeski]], [[Gordon Thomas]]; properties--Dorothy Wegner, [[Ray Foland]], [[Marvin Zwainz]]; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--[[Roger Mahrt]], Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, [[Harold Anderson]], Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, '''Zelda Sprinkle'''.

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'''June 1, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''June 1, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''

'''Emmanuel Lutheran Church'''
'''Emmanuel Lutheran Church'''
Eleven young people were made members of Emmanuel Lutheran last Sunday through the rite of Confirmation. They are: [[Albert and Harold Anderson]], sons of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson; [[Glen Anderson]], son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brommer; [[Roger Mahrt]], son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mahrt; Doris Neilsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Nielson; Margaret Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson; Ruth Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Olson; '''Zelda Sprinkle''', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle; and Marjorie Wegner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wegner.
Eleven young people were made members of Emmanuel Lutheran last Sunday through the rite of Confirmation. They are: [[Albert Anderson | Albert]] and [[Harold Anderson]], sons of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson; [[Glen Anderson]], son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brommer; [[Roger Mahrt]], son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mahrt; Doris Neilsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Nielson; Margaret Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson; Ruth Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Olson; '''Zelda Sprinkle''', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle; and Marjorie Wegner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wegner.

'''August 8, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''August 8, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
==== Emmanuel Lutheran Church News ====
''' Emmanuel Lutheran Church News '''
Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and [[Roger Mahrt]], Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, [[Carl]] and [[George Koeller]], [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Gordon Thomas]], [[Jack Fleming]], Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, [[Joe Cox]], Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. [[Karl Ufer]], and George Reinbold of Egypt.
Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and [[Roger Mahrt]], Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, [[Carl Koeller |Carl]] and [[George Koeller]], [[Clarence Frounfelter]], [[Gordon Thomas]], [[Jack Fleming]], Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, [[Joe Cox]], Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. [[Karl Ufer]], and George Reinbold of Egypt.

The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included [[Harold]] and [[Glen Anderson]]; Lorraine Brommer, [[Joe Cox]], Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.
The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included [[Harold Anderson |Harold]] and [[Glen Anderson]]; Lorraine Brommer, [[Joe Cox]], Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.

The last outing will be held August 27 and member of the committee to make arrangements for it are Katherine Bull, [[Carl Koeller]], Doris and Lorene Nielsen, Doris, Evelyn, and Phyllis Plaster, Ruth Olson, [[Zelda Sprinkle]], [[Gordon Thomas]], and Marjorie Wegner. This committee will meet Thursday evening, August 24.
The last outing will be held August 27 and member of the committee to make arrangements for it are Katherine Bull, [[Carl Koeller]], Doris and Lorene Nielsen, Doris, Evelyn, and Phyllis Plaster, Ruth Olson, [[Zelda Sprinkle]], [[Gordon Thomas]], and Marjorie Wegner. This committee will meet Thursday evening, August 24.
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'''January 9, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''January 9, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Charles Mahrt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey entertained at New Year dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mrs. John Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, David Mahrt, Henry Mahrt, [[Roger Mahrt]], Miss Helen Mahrt, Miss Joyce Christoff, '''Miss Zelda Sprinkle''', Miss Alvina Hansen, and Bernard Hanson.
Charles Mahrt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey entertained at New Year dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mrs. John Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, David Mahrt, Henry Mahrt, [[Roger Mahrt]], Miss Helen Mahrt, Miss Joyce Christoff, '''Miss Zelda Sprinkle''', Miss Alvina Hansen, and Bernard Hansen.

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'''Reardan Seniors Graduate Tues.'''
'''Reardan Seniors Graduate Tues.'''

Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school senior class were held Tuesday evening in the school auditorium there. Twenty-nine seniors received their diplomas. Class includes [parital list]: Peggy Beattie, Lloyd Carstens, [[Jack Delamater, Ross Edwards, Jack Fleming,]] Earl Hein, [[Carl Koeller,]] Quintin Landreth, Dorthy Lundgren, Patricia Mahoney, [[Joe Mann,]] Howard McCain, Lorene Neilson, Olivine Owens, Elaine Rowland, Dale Rupnow, '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Betty Stevenson, and Irene Wegner.
Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school senior class were held Tuesday evening in the school auditorium there. Twenty-nine seniors received their diplomas. Class includes [parital list]: Peggy Beattie, Lloyd Carstens, [[Jack Delamater]], [[Ross Edwards]], [[Jack Fleming]], Earl Hein, [[Carl Koeller]], Quintin Landreth, Dorthy Lundgren, Patricia Mahoney, [[Joe Mann]], Howard McCain, Lorene Neilson, Olivine Owens, Elaine Rowland, Dale Rupnow, '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Betty Stevenson, and Irene Wegner.

Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school senior class were held Tuesday evening in the school auditorium there. Twenty-nine seniors received their diplomas.
Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school senior class were held Tuesday evening in the school auditorium there. Twenty-nine seniors received their diplomas.
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'''July 31, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''July 31, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Forty-seven persons gathered at the home of Henry Mahrt Sunday for a picnic lunch? on the lawn honoring Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Honing and their sons Jimmy and Howard of Milwaukee, Wis. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, [[Roger Mahrt]], Mrs. John Mahrt, Charles Mahrt, David Mahrt, Henry Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Miss Phyllis Plaster, Miss Doris Plaster, Mrs. J. A. Hanson, Miss Alvina Hansen, Mrs. William F. Koeller, Miss Joyce Christoff and Bernard Hansen. Those from out of town besides the honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaulke, Jim Koeller, Miss Irene Selfridge, Mr. and Mrs. Jame McCormack, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCullum and sons all of Spokane, Donald Mahrt of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Maurice Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman of Seattle.
Forty-seven persons gathered at the home of Henry Mahrt Sunday for a picnic lunch? on the lawn honoring Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Honing and their sons Jimmy and Howard of Milwaukee, Wis. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss '''Zelda Sprinkle''', Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, [[Roger Mahrt]], Mrs. John Mahrt, Charles Mahrt, David Mahrt, Henry Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Miss Phyllis Plaster, Miss Doris Plaster, Mrs. J. A. Hansen, Miss Alvina Hansen, Mrs. William F. Koeller, Miss Joyce Christoff and Bernard Hansen. Those from out of town besides the honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaulke, Jim Koeller, Miss Irene Selfridge, Mr. and Mrs. Jame McCormack, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCullum and sons all of Spokane, Donald Mahrt of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Maurice Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman of Seattle.

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'''January 1, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''January 1, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Henry Mahrt and Miss Joyce Christoff entertained on Christmas day: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lucht, Miss Eleanor Lucht, Glen and Donald Lucht of Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Miss Harriet Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, '''Miss Zelda Sprinkle, and David Mahrt.
Henry Mahrt and Miss Joyce Christoff entertained on Christmas day: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lucht, Miss Eleanor Lucht, Glen and Donald Lucht of Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Miss Harriet Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, '''Miss Zelda Sprinkle''', and David Mahrt.

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'''June 10, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
'''June 10, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune'''
Funeral services for W. F. Koeller were held at the Emanuel Lutheran church with Rev. Edward Wagner officiating. Burial was in the Reardan cemetery. Pall bearers were Otto Wegner, C. F. Joslin, E. J. Plaster, Adolph Anderson, George Ekins and John Schwartz. Those from out of town attending were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaulke, Miss Harriet Mahrt, '''Miss Zelda Sprinkle''', Mrs. Adam Even, Mrs. Barclay Goodsell, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barline, Mr. and Mrs. August Wulff, Roger Campbell and George Koeller, all of Spokane.
Funeral services for W. F. Koeller were held at the Emanuel Lutheran church with Rev. Edward Wagner officiating. Burial was in the Reardan cemetery. Pall bearers were Otto Wegner, C. F. Joslin, E. J. Plaster, Adolph Anderson, George Ekins and John Schwartz. Those from out of town attending were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaulke, Miss Harriet Mahrt, '''Miss Zelda Sprinkle''', Mrs. Adam Even, Mrs. Barclay Goodsell, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barline, Mr. and Mrs. August Wulff, Roger Campbell and [[George Koeller]], all of Spokane.

Latest revision as of 17:21, 4 June 2023

January 6, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle and daughter Zelda Sprinkle, Muriel Zwainz, and Betty Joslin spent New Year's in Spokane.

January 27, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Among those attending the Ski Tournament in Spokane, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, daughter, Zelda Sprinkle, Loreen Nielson, Miss Susan Wolf, Waldo Anyan, Henry Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Magnuson, Gus Magnuson, Mrs. Elva Zwainz, Marvin and Muriel Zwainz, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mahrt, Helen and Roger Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rinker, and son, Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. John Childs.

May 19, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

A baking 4-H club was organized Wednesday with Doris Plaster, leader. Officers selected are: Phyllis Plaster, president; Hazel Krupke, vice president; Zelda Sprinkle, secretary; and Loretta Mahoney, reporter.

September 15, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

The Kitchenate Kookers 4-H club, held a meeting at the home of Zelda Sprinkle. A judging contest was held. Zelda Sprinkle and Patty Mahoney were selected to represent the club as a judging team at the fair in Davenport. Exhibits for the fair were discussed. Their leader Betty King, asked that all members have their record books completed by the next meeting, September 24.

December 22, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle and Miss Zelda Sprinkle will have Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahrt.

January 5, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Peter Mahrt, David Mahrt, and Miss Zelda Sprinkle were Spokane visitors New Year's Eve.

January 19, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle and daughter Zelda Sprinkle, went to Spokane Saturday where Zelda had dental work.

January 26, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Dorothy Ekins honored Miss Lorraine Brooks and Miss Nadine Gehrke's birthdays Sunday with a skating party and at the same time celebrated her own birthday. Following the skating, refreshments were served at Miss Ekins home. Guests were Zelda Sprinkle, Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Lorraine Brommer, Bertha Schwartz, Agnes Weyen, Marjorie and Lorraine Brooks, Nadine Gehrke, Dorthy Wegner, Ruth Ann Olson, Elaine Rowland, Marvin Evers, Gus Magnuson, Gordon Thomas, Billy Colville, Bill Anderson, Clarence Frounfelter, Roger Mahrt, Jack Fleming, Marvin Zwainz and Ed Eckert.

April 27, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

At the Luther League meeting held last Thursday the following committees were appointed to manage the play, "Plain Jane," which the Leaguers are present in the high school auditorium, Friday, May 5 at 8:00 p.m. Advertising--Carl Koeller, Herman Scholer, Ray Foland; scenery--Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Alfred Lukaszeski, Gordon Thomas; properties--Dorothy Wegner, Ray Foland, Marvin Zwainz; tickets--Lorraine Brommer, Lorene Nelson, Bertha Schwartz, Mr. Otto Wegner; entertainment--Roger Mahrt, Harold Wegner, Norma Jean Wagner; concessions--Annabelle Fleming, Harold Anderson, Margie Wegner; promptresses--Margaret Olson, Zelda Sprinkle.

May 18, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahrt celebrated Mother's Day with a family reunion with their children with the exception of Jim Mahrt, Oakland, Cal., who was unable to attend. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mahrt and daughter Linda of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt and son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mahrt and son Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, David Mahrt, and John McRae.

June 1, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Eleven young people were made members of Emmanuel Lutheran last Sunday through the rite of Confirmation. They are: Albert and Harold Anderson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson; Glen Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brommer; Roger Mahrt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mahrt; Doris Neilsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Nielson; Margaret Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson; Ruth Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Olson; Zelda Sprinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle; and Marjorie Wegner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wegner.

August 8, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church News

Among those attending the Luther League picnic at Granite Point, Loon Lake, Sunday, were Mrs. John Brommer, Lorraine, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Helen and Roger Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Zelda Sprinkle, Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Evelyn, Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wegner, Martha, Irene, and Freda Wegner. Mr. Ray Lillengreen and Paul, Lorene and Doris Nielson, Margaret Olson, Mary Jean Hopkins, Carl and George Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Gordon Thomas, Jack Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegner, Agnes and Bernice Wegner, Lorraine Rowland, Joe Cox, Dorothy and Dickie Ekins, Rev. Karl Ufer, and George Reinbold of Egypt.

The second summer outing of the Luther League was held at Loon Lake last Sunday with 40 attending. The committee in charge included Harold and Glen Anderson; Lorraine Brommer, Joe Cox, Ardith Edwards, Mary Jean Hopkins, Harriet Mahrt, Chairman, Margaret Olson, Bertha Schwartz and Martha Wegner. Special guests were George Reinbold and brother and sister of Egypt country.

The last outing will be held August 27 and member of the committee to make arrangements for it are Katherine Bull, Carl Koeller, Doris and Lorene Nielsen, Doris, Evelyn, and Phyllis Plaster, Ruth Olson, Zelda Sprinkle, Gordon Thomas, and Marjorie Wegner. This committee will meet Thursday evening, August 24.

August 10, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Last Thursday afternoon a group had a swimming party at Stanley Park Medical Lake. Those going were Mrs. Frank? Weipert, Richard Weipert, Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon and Ronald Mahrt [son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mahrt], Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Mrs. George Ekins, Dick Ekins, Mrs. John Brommer, Ona May and Jack Brommer, Mrs. T. A. Landreth, Jean and Glenna Landreth, Mrs. R. R. Plaster, Elaine and Lorraine Plaster, and the Misses Harriet Mahrt, Zelda Sprinkle, Lorraine Brommer, Ruth Weipert, Ethelmae and Dorothy Ekins, Agnes Weyen, Pollyann Phillips, Evelyn, Doris and Phyllis Plaster and Helen Mahrt.

August 17, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle and daughter Zelda Sprinkle returned Tuesday evening from Enamclaw where they were delegates to the State Convention of the rural Letter Carriers' Association and the Auxiliary. On the coast the visited Mr. Sprinkle's cousin, who is a retired Navy officer at Bremerton. Also called upon Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kendrick, former residents of this community. Miss Evelyn Plaster went with them to visit friends in Tacoma. Where there, she was a guest at a friend's announcement party.

September 21, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Zelda Sprinkle, Miss Ruth Ann Olson, and Miss Joyce Cristoff were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson at Little Falls Sunday.

October 19, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle spent the weekend with Doris and Phyllis Plaster at Pullman and also attended the Washington University and Washington State college football game.

February 1, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Emmanuel Lutheran Church News

Officers elected by the Luther League are Roger Mahrt, president, Carl Koeller, vice president; Miss Zelda Sprinkle, treasurer; Miss Phyllis Anderson, secretary.

February 8, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even entertained at a 7 o'clock dinner party at their home in Spokane Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahrt, Miss Joyce Christoff, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, the Misses Evelyn, Doris, and Phyllis Plaster. The event was spent in playing pinochle. High score was Mrs. Mahrt and Miss Christoff and low was Miss Phyllis Plaster and Mr. Humphrey. The occasion being their tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Even, the seventh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey and the birthdays of Mr. Sprinkle and Mrs. Plaster.

February 15, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Roger Mahrt, and Zelda Sprinkle were Spokane visitors Saturday.

April 25, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Among those attending the show "Gone With the Wind" at the Fox theatre in Spokane Saturday were ...Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Miss Alvina Hansen, Albert Hansen, and Bernard Hansen. [a long list of names]

May 9, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Harvey Sprinkle, rural mail carrier, his daughter Zelda Sprinkle, and Henry Mahrt narrowly escaped drowning Saturday on Badger Lake near Cheney when their boat capsized, throwing them into the lake.

They had been fishing most of the afternoon when a sudden windstorm accompanied by rain half filled the boat with water. They were in the icy water clinging to to the boat for a half hour before help from the shore was able to reach them.

After the storm they went out to the boat and recovered some of their fishing tackle and Mr. Mahrt's purse that was floating on the water. The boat struck Miss Sprinkle on the forehead causing her to lose her glasses.

June 6, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

To honor Mrs. Henry Mahrt on her 77th birthday Tuesday of last week, Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Mrs. William Koeller, Mrs. R. R. Plaster, Mrs. Emma Finrow, Mrs. Peter Mahrt and Mrs. James McCormack of Spokane gathered at her home for a social afternoon.

July 4, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Miss Bertha Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Plaster and the Misses Phyllis and Doris Plaster went to Pend Oreille lake, Idaho, Thursday where they spent the weekend. They returned Sunday evening and report catching 80 nice trout. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lucht and children of Harrington and Mrs. Mary Hunter of Spokane, all former Reardan residents, were at the same camp on the lake.

July 18, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

The Misses Phyllis and Doris Plaster, Zelda Sprinkle, Harriet Mahrt, Betty Joslin, Helen Mahrt, Mary Hanning went to Granite Point, Loon Lake Saturday where the will spend the week camping.

August 28, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

A family reunion was held Sunday and a picnic dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahrt. The occasion was to honor Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mahrt and their daughter Linda of San Francisco. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mahrt and children, David Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs Ed Mahrt, Miss Harriet Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey were guests.

October 24, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Adrian Bafus, Miss Betty Rankin, Miss Cordelia Worley, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Miss Olivine Owens went to Pullman on Friday for the home-coming weekend at Washington State College. Miss Sprinkle was a guest of Miss Doris and Miss Phyllis Plaster and Miss Owens of Miss Vivian Adams of Davenport. The senior play "Tick" will be presented November 15 at 8:00. The...[left side missing] Irene Wegner, Betty Stevenson, Jack Fleming, ..Beattie, Earl Hein, Lloyd ..., Elaine Rowland, Zelda Sprinkle, Patricia Mahoney, Viola ..., Quintin Landreth, Joe Mann, ... Owens, Miss Dorothy..., director. Ruth Ann Olson, Carl Koeller Stage hands.

January 9, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Charles Mahrt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey entertained at New Year dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mrs. John Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hansen, David Mahrt, Henry Mahrt, Roger Mahrt, Miss Helen Mahrt, Miss Joyce Christoff, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Miss Alvina Hansen, and Bernard Hansen.

February 6, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Superintendent H. P. Olson has announced Miss Dorothy Lundgren of Indian Prairie, valedictorian and Miss Zelda Sprinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, salutatorian.

March 6, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

The Luther League voted to attend the midweek evening Lenten services instead of holding regular meetings during Lent. It is also participating in a local and Federation Reading contest during Lent. One team is led by Zelda Sprinkle, Roger Mahrt and Richard Foland, the other by Marjorie Wegner, Joe Mann, and the pastor.

May 1, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mahrt entertained at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Henry Mahrt, Miss Harriet Mahrt, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Vernon Mahrt, Miss Joyce Christoff, David Mahrt of Wenatchee, and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane.

May 22, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Seniors Graduate Tues.

Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school senior class were held Tuesday evening in the school auditorium there. Twenty-nine seniors received their diplomas. Class includes [parital list]: Peggy Beattie, Lloyd Carstens, Jack Delamater, Ross Edwards, Jack Fleming, Earl Hein, Carl Koeller, Quintin Landreth, Dorthy Lundgren, Patricia Mahoney, Joe Mann, Howard McCain, Lorene Neilson, Olivine Owens, Elaine Rowland, Dale Rupnow, Zelda Sprinkle, Betty Stevenson, and Irene Wegner.

Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school senior class were held Tuesday evening in the school auditorium there. Twenty-nine seniors received their diplomas. The commencement program was:

  • Processional, orchestra
  • Selection, Quintin Landreth
  • Presentation of Gift, Ross Edwards
  • Panel discussion "Vocation and Education, Howard McCain, chairman
    1. "The Effect of Changing Social Conditions on Vocational Education," Dorothy Lundgren
    2. "The Effect of Increasing Use of Machines on Vocational Education," Joe Mann
    3. "Vocational Training Received in Public Schools," Irene Wegner
    4. "The Effects of a College Education in Securing a Better Vocation," Earl Hein
    5. "Vocational Education in the Reardan High School," Zelda Sprinkle
  • Selection, orchestra
  • Presentation of the class, Superintendent H. P. Olson
  • Presentation of diplomas, Thomas A. Landreth
  • Dedication, senior girls sextet
  • Selection, Quintin Landreth
  • Benediction, Rev. Karl Ufer.

July 31, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Forty-seven persons gathered at the home of Henry Mahrt Sunday for a picnic lunch? on the lawn honoring Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Honing and their sons Jimmy and Howard of Milwaukee, Wis. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Roger Mahrt, Mrs. John Mahrt, Charles Mahrt, David Mahrt, Henry Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Miss Phyllis Plaster, Miss Doris Plaster, Mrs. J. A. Hansen, Miss Alvina Hansen, Mrs. William F. Koeller, Miss Joyce Christoff and Bernard Hansen. Those from out of town besides the honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaulke, Jim Koeller, Miss Irene Selfridge, Mr. and Mrs. Jame McCormack, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCullum and sons all of Spokane, Donald Mahrt of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Maurice Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman of Seattle.

August 28, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even, Mark Livengood, Charles McCullen, and Miss Harriet Mahrt of Spokane, Donald, Jean and Ann Marie Mahrt of Oakland, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Miss Joyce Christoff, David Mahrt, and Charles Humphrey gathered at the home of Henry Mahrt Thursday evening to celebrate the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Mahrt of Oakland.

November 27, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Many Reardan young people were home for the Thanksgiving vacation. Included were Lloyd Carstens and Lorraine Brooks from Kinman Business university, Gordon Thomas, Mary Hanning, Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Quintin Landreth, Marvin Evers, Billy Colville, Bill Anderson, Gus Magnuson, Jack Fleming, Vernon Carstens, Agnes Weyen, Zelda Sprinkle and Martha Joslin from Washington state college; Bertha and Lorraine Schwartz from the University at Seattle; Dorothy Ekins, Patricia Mahoney, Ruth Ann Olson and Harriet Mahrt from Spokane; Irene and Freda Wegner, Viola Walsh, Marcine Erdman, Helen Mahrt, and Elaine Rowland from Cheney.

January 1, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Henry Mahrt and Miss Joyce Christoff entertained on Christmas day: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lucht, Miss Eleanor Lucht, Glen and Donald Lucht of Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Miss Harriet Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, and David Mahrt.

January 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students returning to the various schools to resume their studies following the holiday vacation are: Billy Colville, Billy Anderson, Marvin Evers, Gordon Thomas, Victor Hyslop, Gus Magnuson, Quintin Landreth, Martha Joslin, Zelda Sprinkle, Mary Hanning, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster and Agnes Weyan to Washington State College; Evelyn Schultz, the University of Idaho at Moscow; Helen Mahrt, Marcine Erdman, Freda Wegner, Irene Wegner and Elaine Rowland, Eastern Washington College of education at Cheney; Lorraine Brooks and Lloyd Carstens, Kinman Business University; Nadine Gehrke, Kelsey Baird Secretarial school in Spokane and Harriet Mahrt, Spokane Telegraph school.

February 12, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

A few friends honored Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle at a belated birthday party Saturday evening. A pot luck dinner was served and the remainder of the evening was spent at pinochle. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Ekins, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Joslin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roberts, Dick Ekins, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Miss La Velle Wenhem and Mr. Sprinkle.

April 9, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle came home Friday to spend the Easter weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle. She is a student at Washington State college.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt's Easter dinner guests included Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even, Miss Harriet Mahrt, and Bob Jones of Spokane, Mrs. Chris Smith, Kellogg, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Henry Mahrt, Miss Joyce Christoff, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey.

June 11, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle drove to Pullman Saturday to bring their daughter, Zelda Sprinkle, home.

Students home from college are Victor Hyslop, Vernon Carstens, Gus Magnuson, Marvin Evers, Agnes Weyen, Zelda Sprinkle, Quintin Landreth, Bill Anderson, Mary Hanning and Martha Joslin.

July 30, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey and Miss Zelda Sprinkle spent Sunday at Loon Lake.

August 13, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt entertained at a picnic dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. James McCormack, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCullen, Charley, Larry and Dicky McCullen, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even, all of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Henry Mahrt, David Mahrt, Miss Joyce Christoff, and Kathy and Billy Mahrt.

October 29, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster drove to Pullman Sunday, where they spent the day with their daughter, Misses Zelda Sprinkle, Doris Plaster, and Phyllis Plaster, students at Washington State college.

November 12, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

A family gathering was held at the home of Henry Mahrt, Sunday. Relatives present were David Mahrt of Wenatchee, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Vernon Mahrt, Miss Harriet Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle and Miss Zelda Sprinkle. Other guest were Miss Evelyn Schultz, Miss Rosemary Smith, and Miss Levella Wenhem.

Miss Zelda Sprinkle, a sophomore at Washington State college, came Friday to have the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle. Her college friends, Miss Rosemary Smith and Miss Levella Wenhem were her guests.

December 24, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students home for the holiday vacation from WSC are Mary Hanning, Zelda Sprinkle, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster, Victor Hyslop, Vernon Carstens, Bill Anderson, Marvin Evers, Jack Delamater, Gus Magnuson, and Glen Anderson.

April 15, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle, a student nurse at the St. Luke's hospital in Spokane, was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle.

Finch Nurse's Home, St. Luke's and Shriner's Hospitals

[St. Luke's still exists as an institution for rehabilitation in Spokane in a hospital dedicated in 1970. The site during WWII was on North Summit Boulevard overlooking the Spokane River and the Greenwood Memorial Terrace. It was next to the John A. Finch Memorial Nurse's Home, which housed nursing students like Zelda. The nurse's home is still standing and the old hospital has been replaced with proi residences.]

April 22, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle of Spokane, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle. She had as her guest, Miss Alice Stirwalt. Miss Kitty Robertson of Wilbur was her guest Sunday. All of these girls returned to St. Luke's hospital Sunday evening, where they are taking nurses' training.

May 20, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Mrs. Charles Humphrey and Miss Joyce Christoff of Spokane attended the nurses capping ceremony at St. Luke's hospital on Sunday afternoon. Miss Zelda Sprinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sprinkle, was a member of the class.

June 10, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Funeral services for W. F. Koeller were held at the Emanuel Lutheran church with Rev. Edward Wagner officiating. Burial was in the Reardan cemetery. Pall bearers were Otto Wegner, C. F. Joslin, E. J. Plaster, Adolph Anderson, George Ekins and John Schwartz. Those from out of town attending were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gaulke, Miss Harriet Mahrt, Miss Zelda Sprinkle, Mrs. Adam Even, Mrs. Barclay Goodsell, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barline, Mr. and Mrs. August Wulff, Roger Campbell and George Koeller, all of Spokane.

June 17, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Lorraine Brooks entertained Saturday evening at the home of her parents at a miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Helen Mahrt, who is to become the bride of Rev. Edward W. Kasten of Portland on Jun 20. Guests invited were Mrs. O. E. Mahrt, Mrs. Pete Schneider, Mrs. Earl Williams, Mrs. Floyd Hudkins, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Henry Schwartz, Mrs. Ed Eckert and Misses Dorothy Wagner, Martha Wagner, Lena, Lorraine and Margaret Schwartz, Mabel Anderson, Harriet Mahrt, Alvina Hansen, Doris, Phyllis, and Evelyn Plaster, Zelda Sprinkle and Dorothy Ekins. Game were the evening's entertainment, followed by light refreshments.

July 8, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane had for their lawn picnic guests of July 4: Mr. and Mrs. James McCormack of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahrt and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahrt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plaster, Mrs. Wm. F. Koeller, Misses Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Zelda Sprinkle, Harriet Mahrt, Caroline Burkhart, Leanna Priese, Henry Mahrt, David Mahrt, Mrs. Katie Buchanan, Mrs. Myrtle Garber, Vernon Mahrt, Jack Brommer, and Jack Woods.

July 15, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle, student nurse at the St. Luke's school of nursing in Spokane, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle.

November 25, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle, a student nurse at the St. Luke's hospital in Spokane, spent from Thursday until Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle.

January 6, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle, is now a member of the U.S. nurses cadet corps. She has been in training for the past year at St. Luke's hospital. She is a graduate of the local high school and took a pre-nursing course at the State College of Washington.

April 13, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Henry Mahrt, entertained at dinner on Easter for Mr. and Mrs. Adam Even, Cadet Nurses Zelda Sprinkle and Ann Spaley of Spokane, Dave Mahrt of Wenatchee, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle.

August 3, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Zelda Sprinkle came on Monday to spend a three week vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle. She is a cadet nurse at St. Luke's hospital in Spokane.

August 10, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Sprinkle Becomes Bride

At a candlelight ceremony at the Lutheran church in Reardan Sunday night, marriage vows were exchanged by Miss Zelda Lenore Sprinkle and Pfc. Floyd Glenn Morrison. Officiating at this 8 o'clock double ring service was the Rev. Edward Wagner.

The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a white slipper satin gown with a finger-tip, lace trimmed veil held in place by a pearl studded coronet. She carried a shower bouquet of talisman and white roses and swansonia. The maid of honor, Miss La Velle Wenham of Seattle, wore a mauve net gown and had a colonial bouquet of Cecil Brunnier roses and white glads. The bridesmaids, Miss Anna Staley of Spokane and Mrs. Noel Wright of Moscow, Idaho, sister of the groom, had gowns of blue and pink, with bouquets of pink roses and white snap dragons. Pfc. Morrison had as his best man, Noel Write of Moscow, Idaho, Ushers were Raymond Foland of Spokane and Donald Lucht of Harrington.

Miss Betty Ann Bolen of Spokane sang "Au Sweet Mystery of Life" and "Because." Miss Alice Steirwelt of Spokane played for her violin solo, "Sweethearts." Miss Evelyn Wendlandt played the wedding music. Candle lighters were Miss Mary Hughes of Spokane and Miss Doris Plaster. The church was beautifully decorated with pink and white glads with a background of ferns. The bride's mother wore blue traveler cape with white accessories and an orchid corsage. Immediately following the wedding a reception was held in the church basement for 125 guests. The three tier wedding cake, topped with a miniature soldier and bride under an altar, was served from a table decorated with glads, white tapers in silver candelabra and the cake ringed with glads and ferns formed the centerpiece.

Mrs. Adam Even of Spokane cut the wedding cake assisted by Mrs. James Mahrt of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Ed Mahrt poured and Mrs. Chris Lucht of Harrington presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Peter Mahrt had charge of the guest book.

Mrs. Morrison, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle is a graduate of the Reardan high school, attended Washington State college, and is a cadet nurse at St. Luke's hospital. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glen Morrison of Murtaugh, Idaho. He graduated from the high school at Murtaugh and was a student at the University of Idaho at the time of his enlistment in the army in 1942. He is stationed at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, where he is an army inspector with the veterinary service department.

For her going away costume, the bride wore a gold colored suit with brown accessories and a rose corsage.

January 18, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Technician fifth class Glen Morrison writes his wife, the former Zelda Sprinkle, he has served in India, but expected to be moved again soon. He is with the medical corps of the army. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Morrison of Murtaugh, Idaho.

March 29, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Technician fifth class Glen Morrison, who is with the medical corps, writes his wife, he is in China. He entered the service in 1942 and went overseas in October. He is a graduate of Murtah high school in Idaho and attended the University of Idaho. He is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprinkle.