Marvin Evers

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September 22, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

C. E. Perryman, Smith-Hughes instructor for boys, took his livestock judging team to Davenport for the county judging contest held at the Lincoln County and 4-H Club fair. They placed first with only three schools competing. On Saturday they went to Pullman where the competed with twenty-five other teams, placing eighth. Those on the team are: Alfred Lukaszeski, Marvin Evers, and Melvin Bilyeu with Ellwood Landt and Bill Anderson, alternates.

November 3, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

Rev. Charles B. Marrs, Boy Scoutmaster, and C. F. Joslin took the Reardan Scout troop to Spokane to swim at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday night. Rev. W. S. Plowman, assistant Scoutmaster, Loyd McLain and Billie Colville furnished the cars. The boys were Billie Colville, Tommy Walsh, Jack and Jim Delamater, Jimmy Rinker, Carl Garber, Harold Mann, Glen Anderson, Richard Foland, Dean Anyan, George Koeller, Earl Travis, Marvin Evers, Berne Barnard, Carl Koeller and Elmer Wendlandt.

December 15, 1938 Davenport Times-Tribune

The Reardan high school basketball team accompanied by their coach George Anderson, and Hugo E. Schulz, attended the Eastern College of Education-Washington state college basketball game at Cheney Tuesday night. Boys that went were Quentin Landreth, Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Ross Edwards, Bill Anderson, Billy Colville, Marvin Evers, Keith Denson, Pat Owens, Marvin Zwainz and Joe Mann.

January 26, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Miss Dorothy Ekins honored Miss Lorraine Brooks and Miss Nadine Gehrke's birthdays Sunday with a skating party and at the same time celebrated her own birthday. Following the skating, refreshments were served at Miss Ekins home. Guests were Zelda Sprinkle, Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Lorraine Brommer, Bertha Schwartz, Agnes Weyen, Marjorie and Lorraine Brooks, Nadine Gehrke, Dorthy Wegner, Ruth Ann Olson, Elaine Rowland, Marvin Evers, Gus Magnuson, Gordon Thomas, Billy Colville, Bill Anderson, Clarence Frounfelter, Roger Mahrt, Jack Fleming, Marvin Zwainz and Ed Eckert.

March 16, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Boys Form Recreation Club The Reardan boys of high school age and up to age of 21 have organized a recreation club. They have rented and remodeled the hall adjoining the I. O. O. F. hall. The room is large and will accommodate a ping pong table, shuffle-board table, pool table, boxing ring, Chinese checkers and other games. Magazines and reading material will also be available.

The room will be open all evenings of the week except Sunday, and open during the day on Saturday and Sunday. Several Reardan men have volunteered to give their time to supervise while the club is open.

The boys wish to thank the people of Reardan and vicinity for their very liberal donations and labor, to help them equip the room. The members will assess themselves each month enough to pay their running expenses from now on.

Offers elected were: President: Marvin Evers; vice-president, Melvin Bilyeu and Carl Koeller; secretary-treasurer, Harl Barnard; advisor, C. E. Perryman.

April 13, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Juniors Will Present Play

Cast members are: Dorothy Ekins, Agnes Weyen, Marijean Hopkins, Eilene Carstens, Hazel Krupke, Marvin Evers, Vernon Carstens, Bill Colville, Bill Paul, Bill Anderson, Ernest Weyen. Billy Colville and Marvin Evers spent Sunday fishing in Hunters Creek.

May 4, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan High School News

More than 500 heard the Reardan School present in concert Friday night, the band and orchestra under the direction of George A. Stanley of Medical Lake and the Glee club under the direction of Miss Dorothy Williams. Featured soloists were Miss Marcine Erdman, Jack Fleming, and Marvin Evers. Following the program, the rooms were open for the exhibiting of work done by students over the past year. Refreshments were served by the home economics girls under the supervision of Miss Florence McEchran.

George A. Stanley of Medical Lake, director of bands at Medical Lake, Harrington, Reardan, Valleyford, and Rockford schools and Quentin and Ross Music company of Spokane have rented the concessions at Natatorium Park for next Sunday, at which they will entertain these bands at a picnic. In the afternoon the band will present a concert.

May 25, 1939 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Eva Moore, Mrs. Eva Evers, Howard and Marvin Evers were entertained at Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fleming. [Eva Moore is Eva Evers' mother and a half sibling of Tom McLain, father of Loyd, Dean, Phyllis (Dickey), Wayne, and Jack. Click for more of Eva Moore's pioneer story (

May 2, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

C. E. Perryman, Smith-Hughes instructor for the past four years has [accepted] a position with the Colfax schools for the coming year...

Ellwood Landt and Marvin Evers were sent from the Reardan chapter to the State F. F. A. convention at Pullman. Out of 102 schools, Reardan was one of four schools to get a certificate of "Good in Agriculture," in all divisions of the contest. Marvin Evers won superior certificates in Animal Husbandry and in Agronomy.

May 23, 1940 Davenport Times-Tribune

Reardan Commencement Program Commencement exercises for the Reardan high school class of 33 members will be held next Wednesday, May 29, in the Reardan school auditorium. Members of the class are: Phyllis Ahern, Alice Aman, Bill Anderson, Helen Anyan, Melvin Bilyeu, Lorraine Brommer, Eilene Carstens, Vernon Carstens, Marie Christensen, Bill Colville, Georginia Daughty, Ardth Edwards, Dorothy Ekins, Phyllis Emley, Marvin Evers, Clarence Frounfelter, Agnes Hiss, Mary Jean Hopkins, Hazel Krupke, Ellwood Landt, Eileen Lucht, Dorothy Meyer, Gladys Nunn, Margaret Ojson, Bill Paul, Dorothy Remmers, Samuel Remmers, Bertha Schwartz, Gordon Thomas, Grace Travis, Agnes Weyan, Carl Weyen, Ernest Weyen.

  • Trumpet quintet--Bill Anderson, Eilene Carstens, Marvin Evers, Mary Jean Hopkins, Lorraine Brommer
  • Presentation of Gift--Vernon Carstens
  • Trio--Agnes Weyen, Hazel Krupke, Dorothy Ekins
  • Panel Discussion--Democracy--Dorothy Ekins, Marvin Evers, Marie Christensen, Vernon Carstens, Gordon Thomas, Bill Colville, Agnes Weyen
  • God Bless America--Senior Class

April 10, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Vernon Carstens, Marvin Evers, Bill Colville, Bill Anderson, Gordon Thomas, Gus Magnuson and Victor Hyslop came home Friday from WSC for their spring vacation.

November 27, 1941 Davenport Times-Tribune

Many Reardan young people were home for the Thanksgiving vacation. Included were Lloyd Carstens and Lorraine Brooks from Kinman Business university, Gordon Thomas, Mary Hanning, Doris and Phyllis Plaster, Quintin Landreth, Marvin Evers, Billy Colville, Bill Anderson, Gus Magnuson, Jack Fleming, Vernon Carstens, Agnes Weyen, Zelda Sprinkle and Martha Joslin from Washington state college; Bertha and Lorraine Schwartz from the University at Seattle; Dorothy Ekins, Patricia Mahoney, Ruth Ann Olson and Harriet Mahrt from Spokane; Irene and Freda Wegner, Viola Walsh, Marcine Erdman, Helen Mahrt, and Elaine Rowland from Cheney.

January 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students returning to the various schools to resume their studies following the holiday vacation are: Billy Colville, Billy Anderson, Marvin Evers, Gordon Thomas, Victor Hyslop, Gus Magnuson, Quintin Landreth, Martha Joslin, Zelda Sprinkle, Mary Hanning, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster and Agnes Weyan to Washington State College; Evelyn Schultz, the University of Idaho at Moscow; Helen Mahrt, Marcine Erdman, Freda Wegner, Irene Wegner and Elaine Rowland, Eastern Washington College of education at Cheney; Lorraine Brooks and Lloyd Carstens Kinman Business University; Nadine Gehrke, Kelsey Baird Secretarial school in Spokane and Harriet Mahrt, Spokane Telegraph school.

April 30, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Eva Evers, Mrs. Eva Moore and Marvin Evers were Sunday callers at the W. M. Lucht's and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Moore's home in Spokane.

June 11, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students home from college are Victor Hyslop, Vernon Carstens, Gus Magnuson, Marvin Evers, Agnes Weyen, Zelda Sprinkle, Quintin Landreth, Bill Anderson, Mary Hanning and Martha Joslin.

October 1, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Colville entertained at dinner Wednesday night in honor of their son, Billy [Colville], who enlisted in the air corps. Guests invited were boys that had gone through high school together. The included Carl Koeller, Clarence Frounfelter, Jack Fleming, Marvin Evers, Bill Anderson, and Vernon Carstens.

October 8, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Eva Evers spent the homecoming weekend at Pullman and visited her son, Marvin, a student at the college.

October 15, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Gus Magnuson, Marvin Evers, Glen Anderson and Jack Delamater, students at Washington State college, came Friday to visit their parents and for the opening day of game bird hunting.

December 24, 1942 Davenport Times-Tribune

Students home for the holiday vacation from WSC are Mary Hanning, Zelda Sprinkle, Doris Plaster, Phyllis Plaster, Victor Hyslop, Vernon Carstens, Bill Anderson, Marvin Evers, Jack Delamater, Gus Magnuson, and Glen Anderson.

January 14, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marvin Evers, son of Mrs. Eva Evers, was inducted into the army Monday, following a seven-day furlough. He will report at Fort Douglas, Utah. He is a graduate of the local high school and was a student at WSC. His brother, Howard, joined the marines a year ago and for some time was in the south Pacific.

January 28, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marvin Evers, who was inducted into the army two weeks ago, writes from Fort Douglas, Utah, that Dick Ahrens, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ahrens of Spokane, Ross Edwards and he have been placed in the same group.

March 11, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private Marvin Evers writes his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers, that he has been placed in the medical corps at Fort Douglas, Utah.

June 3, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Eva Evers received word from her son, Marvin [Evers], that he has been promoted to private first class at Fort Douglas, Utah, and is stationed with a hospital unit. Mrs. Evers also has a son, Sergeant Howard Evers, who is with the marines, and is a tank radio operator in the south Pacific area.

November 11, 1943 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private First Class Marvin Evers came from Fort Douglas, Utah, last Thursday evening to spend a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers. Pfc. Evers is with a medical detachment of the army and has been in the service nearly a year. He has a brother, Sgt. Howard Evers, who is with the Marines at New Guinea.

January 6, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Private First Class Marvin Evers, who is with the medical corps at Fort Douglas, Utah, writes his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers, that he has been in the hospital since the middle of December with rheumatic fever. He is getting along nicely, but will have to remain in bed for another month.

May 4, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pfc. Marvin Evers left Monday after spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers. He is stationed at Bushnell general hospital at Brigham City, Utah, where he is receiving treatment for rheumatic fever.

May 11, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pfc. Marvin Evers is spending a furlough here with his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers. He had just returned to Bushnell general hospital in Brigham, Utah, after spending a week here on traveling orders. He is with a medical unit of the army.

July 6, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

PFC Marvin Evers has been transferred from Bushnell general hospital at Brigham, Utah, to a camp at Phoenix, Ariz. He has been with the medical corps and is a graduate of the local high school.

August 3, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pfc. Marvin Evers spent three days here last week with his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers, and brother, Howard Evers, who is home on leave after 30 months in the south Pacific with the marine corps. Pfc. Evers, who is stationed at Phoenix, Ariz., where he is an escort guard, brought some patients to Bushnell general hospital at Brigham, Utah, and had time to come home to see his brother, whom he had not seen for over three years.

August 18, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pfc. Marvin Evers was home to see his brother on a three day delay en route, as he brought German prisoners of war from Papago Park, Ariz. to Bushnell general hospital in Utah.

December 12, 1944 Davenport Times-Tribune

Pfc. Marvin Evers arrived on Wednesday to spend a 20-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers. He is guarding German prisoners at Phoenix, Ariz.

February 1, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marvin Evers, with the army at Phoenix, Ariz., writes his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers, that he has been taken from guard duty and placed as company clerk.

March 15, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Howard Evers
Marvin Evers

Mrs. Eva Evers received word Monday that her son, Marine Sergeant Howard Evers, has been transferred from Camp Lejeune, S. C., to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif. He spent two years in the Pacific and wears three battle stars and a unit citation ribbon. He returned to the states about 9 months ago, a malaria patient. His condition is much improved. His brother, Marvin, who is at Camp Papago, a German prison camp at Phoenix Ariz., has been promoted to corporal.

July 26, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Corporal Marvin Evers arrived here Monday night to spend his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers. He is located in Popango Park, Phoenix, Ariz.

August 16, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Corporal Marvin Evers left Sunday for Papago Park at Phoenix, Ariz., after spending his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers.

October 25, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Mrs. Eva Evers had word that her son Marvin has been promoted to sergeant. He is with the army at Papago Park, Phoenix, Arizona, and has a clerical position.

December 13, 1945 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marvin Evers, who is at Papago Park, Phoenix, Arizona, writes his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers, of Spokane, the has been promoted to staff sergeant. He is a graduate of the Reardan high school and was a student at Washington state college when called to the service.

January 3, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

Marvin Evers, son of Mrs. Eva Evers of Spokane, has been promoted to First Sergeant. He is stationed at Papago Park, Phoenix, Arizona.

February 21, 1946 Davenport Times-Tribune

First Sergeant Marvin Evers has his discharge from the army at Fort Douglas, Utah Tuesday of last Week and flew to Spokane the next day, where he is visiting his mother, Mrs. Eva Evers. He spent 37 months in the service, all in the states. Before entering the service, he was a student at Washington State college. He plans to enroll at Eastern Washington College of Education at Cheney for the spring quarter.